Slow Cooker Holiday Food

Here's a line-up of tried-and-true slow cooker dishes that are suitable for your Holiday--any Holiday-- dinner table.

Enjoy your family! Put your crockpot slow cooker to work so you can stay out of the kitchen and enjoy the favorite people in your life. There are recipes here for appetizers, beverages, desserts, main courses, and more!

Unless otherwise stated, ALL recipes are completely gluten free, due to a family allergy. If you are not gluten free, simply ignore my notes. --steph

Main Course:

Side Dishes:

Acorn Squash
Brussels Sprouts (the world's best!!)
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes with Sour Cream and Cream Cheese
Roasted Vegetables
Savory Sweet Potato Bake -- as seen on Rachael Ray


Chocolate Mousse Creme Brulee
Frito Candy
Rocky Road Candy


Mulled Wine
Peppermint Hot Chocolate/Peppermint Mocha
Pumpkin Spiced Latte
Wassail (spiced punch)
Gingerbread Latte
Hot Buttered Rum

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at December 03, 2023

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What they say about this article

  1. wow, that's a lotta great info there! thanks!

  2. I linked to your site in my blog entry for today!


  3. You might want to consider trying this Sweet Potatoes & Apples recipe from the Miserly Moms cookbook:

  4. Anonymous11/17/2008

    Your blog totally rocks! Can't wait to try the recipes. I'm a hit-or-miss crockpot user: some recipes are great, others totally miss the mark. I appreciate the honest reviews and all the work that goes into your blog. Diane over at Going to Pieces mentioned you and I must say thanks to her!

  5. What a list! Thanks. You have inspired me to dust off my crockpot.

  6. Great list. I'll definately use some of these over the holidays.

  7. Hiya I just love your blog and read it every single day.
    Why don't you try an easy and quick traditional christmas rice porridge/pudding (not really sure what to call it). Well at least it is traditional here in Denmark.
    you need
    1. l of whole milk
    150 g of short rice (sushi or risotto)
    1 tsp salt.
    Combine in crockpot, cook on high for 2-3 hours. Dish is done when the rice has absorbed all the liquid and the rice are mushy.
    Serve with a dollop of butter and sprinkle cinnamonsugar on top. Traditional beverages are cordial or white beer.


  8. Anonymous11/18/2008

    Thanks crockpot lady! The cool thing about crockpot stuff during the holidays, is you can get something done in there and free up some premium oven space. That peppermint mocha sounds very interesting.....can't wait to see that one!

  9. Thanks for the information. My family doesn't really care for turkey, so we will be having two of the rotisserie-style chickens with our Thanksgiving. I already tried the recipe a few weeks ago with my hubby and kids, and it was a big hit. Thank you for all of your hard work!

  10. Anonymous11/18/2008

    Thanks! That's so helpful. I will link to this on my blog. This time of year, we need all the help we can get.

  11. Love your blog! I can only aspire to your level of crock-pot devotion. Will definitely look for recipes I can use for Thanksgiving so I won't being saying "Serenity now!" and a Happy Festivus will be had by all.

  12. So I think I need 8 crockpots to prepare my Thanksgiving feast! I'm definitely making pumpkin lattes in the morning! Thanks for the roundup!

  13. I know that you don't know me from Eve, but I have been visiting you for a long time and am so proud of you. You really took this and ran with it. Gave it your all, and kept going. Yeah for you Stephanie. I can't wait until the new year and your new blog gets started. I will also be getting that new book of yours. Have a blessing Thanksgiving. I know that I am thankful for you and all your effort.

  14. I'm gonna have to try that Wassail recipe.

    I make my stuffing in the crockpot every year. Love it. If I remember I'll send you the recipe.

  15. I am so glad to have found your blog a few weeks ago. I had a small stove fire the Monday before Thanksgiving but luckily have a couple crock pots so I won't have to cook everything in the microwave if the stove isn't up and running by tomorrow. My husband is excited to try the whole turkey in the crock pot and I am curious about converting my grandmother's sage dressing recipe for the crock pot. I am a vegetarian so I truly appreciate the variety of offerings on your site. What are your plans for the site in 2009?

  16. I am so bookmarking this page. Thanks!!!!

  17. These ideas help-looking forward to trying some classics in the slow cooker this Thanksgiving instead of trying to cram everything in or do elaborate math for making everything work with 1 oven. You rock, thanks!

  18. Thanks for posting this list! The Man and I are headed up to my sister's for Thanksgiving (that sounds so grown up. I didn't know we were grown ups 'til now. Sad.) and I told her I'd bring up something to make in the Crock Pot to free up kitchen and counter space. (I think she thinks it's because I can't cook. I CAN cook. I just don't want to be in the same kitchen as her when she's flipping out about the turkey.)

    Happy holidays Stephanie!

  19. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! I have decided to go nearly all-crockpot due to the fact that with two little ones, I now no longer have cooking time. I love your recipes!

    Question: For the serious crockpot-er, what crockpots would you recommend having? I have two large ones (6qt?) and a small one (I think it's the 1.5qt). I'd love to know which crockpot sizes you recommend having on hand so as to be able to do most recipes easily in the right-sized pot. Thanks!!

  20. We made the cornbread stuffing 5 different times last year (each time as a requested encore from a previous taster). It was super easy, and super awesome! Looking forward to having that stuffing be as easy again this year - as it is my first "official" time to host Thanksgiving this year!!!
    Anne D

  21. Hi Diana,

    If you aren't opposed do buying another one, I'd suggest getting a 4 quart.
    The 1.5 quart-2 quart, a 4 quart and a 6 quart will cover you for all needs. I do have a Little Dipper in the house, too, which is fun for tiny fondues and for heating dipping sauces, but is more of a novelty item.

    Anne D., I'm so glad you liked this stuffing so much! We really, really did too. Good luck hosting Thanksgiving! You'll do a great job.

    oxoxo steph

  22. Just found your blog. Thank you so much for some slow cooker recipes that do not call for "a can of cream of mushroom soup". I try to stay away from anything processed in our family and was so sad to see that almost all slow cooker recipes call for canned soup! I am so looking forward to trying some new things.

    Thank you!

  23. This is the perfect post! Thank you so much for all of your inspiring recipes!

  24. Thank you a million times over. I made the chuck roast with three packets...Unbelievable. It was the first roast I've done that didn't take a week to chew. You are the best.

  25. OH! I love lists...especially lists of yummy, yummy recipes!

    Lots of things here I have just GOTTA try! ;)

  26. These recipes sound great! I can't wait to try some of them!

  27. Thanks a bunch, Stephanie! That's what I'd thought, so I'll be on the lookout for a 4 qt. Looking forward to continuing to explore your blog. :)

  28. Lots of wonderful ideas! Thanks so much Stephanie. I'm thinking I'll be making the crockpot mashed potatoes, because that'll allow me to make them in advance and free up a burner on the stove! Yippee!

  29. hahahaha.. first time commenting, but i've used your recipes a few times and they've always come out great. I LOVED the chicken and rice soup (where you vitamixed the veggies), but i subbed rice for barley. yummy.

    do you know how many years I've printed out that exact Human Fund certificate and put it in my christmas cards? or just used it as a christmas card itself? ... many.

  30. Anonymous11/30/2009

    stumbled over via Creative 2x Mom's Blogroll -- LOVE your site!! I'm listing this post in my Friday Favorites this week! :) And I might be trying that bacon/hen recipe this week! :) Thank you for such a great list!

  31. Hello,

    I've tried out the Garlic Baked Potato and tell you what it was amazing! All the recipe's that you write are worth to be printed and kept in kitchen shelves. thanks a lot!
