The Very Best Brussels Sprouts, EVER! (slow cooker recipe)

This is it! 

You've come to the right place. 

Stop looking. 

This here, is 


LOL. sorry. I must have been channeling my inner infomercial guy.

But they really are super tasty...

The Ingredients.

serves 8

  • 1 pound brussels sprouts
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard (ooh la la, fancy)
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 cup water

The Directions.

Use a 2-quart slow cooker.

Wash and trim the ends off of each Brussels sprout, and cut in half.

Toss into the cooker. Add butter, mustard, salt, pepper, and water.

Cover and cook on low for 4 to 5 hours, or on high for 2 to 3.

Stir well to distribute the sauce before serving. The sprouts on the edge get brown and bit crispy on the outer edge. This is a good, and not something to worry about!

The Verdict.

My newly-turned-nine-year-old's favorite food is brussels sprouts. And artichokes.

She has learned (sadly, through peer pressure) to no longer give this as an answer when asked what her favorite food is because many, many people dislike these little guys.

If you're on the fence about brussels sprouts, I urge you to try them prepared like this. The Dijon gives a fantastic savory taste and is really quite wonderful.

And hey. At least they aren't beets... 


Fantastic recipe for your Holiday table. My dad doesn't even LIKE brussels sprouts and he had three helpings! The butter and dijon mustard melt together to make a luxurious sauce and since it's a slow cooker recipe you can make them early in the day and get out of the kitchen!

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Best Brussels Sprouts

Best Brussels Sprouts

Yield: 8
Author: Stephanie O'Dea
Prep time: 35 MinCook time: 5 HourTotal time: 5 H & 35 M
best brussels sprouts recipe in the crockpot slow cooker


  • 1 pound brussels sprouts
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard (ooh la la, fancy)
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 cup water


  1. Use a 2-quart slow cooker.
  2. Wash and trim the ends off of each Brussels sprout, and cut in half.
  3. Toss into the cooker. Add butter, mustard, salt, pepper, and water.
  4. Cover and cook on low for 4 to 5 hours, or on high for 2 to 3.
  5. Stir well to distribute the sauce before serving. 

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at October 31, 2016

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What they say about this recipe

  1. you had me up until the dijon mustard... for some reason I just can't bring myself to like the stuff.

  2. I really want to try them, but everytime I try to pick some up at the store, they just look so ugly that I can't do it. Maybe I'll give this one a try. Thanks.

  3. I have to tell you that when I think of brussels sprouts, I cringe. The last time I had them I was probably your daughters age, and just remember not liking them at all, so I haven't had any since. I trust you, and love that your daughter says they are her favorite, so I am going to make them, just because they are her fav! If you guys say they are good, I trust that they are, and I am excited to see the expression on my hubbys face when I make them (we've had the debate over these and I was firm in saying I would NEVER buy/make them--he will be surprised!). It's kind of funny that you could change my mind in 1 single blog post, w/out ever trying it your way, and my hubby couldn't at all lolol.

  4. I love brussels sprouts, too! Will be making this soon.

  5. Lisa in CO10/26/2010

    I had a bad brussel sprout experience when I was a teenager (loved them up to that point, and no, I'm not going to say what it was because I'll probably turn everyone off of them forever). Anyway, it's been like 20 years since I've had them, and they're on sale this week and so I'm going to give them another shot and hope I won't be traumatized again, lol.

    Thanks Steph!


  6. Kristin10/26/2010

    Yum! I love brusselsprouts! I'd never had them until my husband and I moved in together. My mom doesn't like them so she never made them. My husband loves them and made them one night and I've been hooked! Favorite so far has been brussel sprout soup, but this sounds tasty; I'll have to try it with our chicken later this week with the MONSTER sprouts from the farmers market. :)

  7. There are no bad veggies, just bad ways to cook them. My kids love brussel sprouts, cabbage, asparagus--but only the way I cook them!

  8. I love Brussels Sprouts! Yum. I also love dijon mustard. This recipe looks fabulous, and I'm going to have to try it! The only drawback... the house smells icky when I cook them!

  9. We love brussel sprouts and usually buy them frozen to have on hand. Definitely trying this for dinner tonight!

  10. I just recently challenged myself to eat 5 food that I think I don't like, and brussel sprouts is definitely one of those! You've convinced me to try this, too!
    ps. love your blog. it rocks.

  11. wooohooo I love Brussels sprouts, those little cabbage bombs! I have some in the fridge!

  12. Anonymous10/26/2010

    I am with your daughter... I love brussels sprouts (and artichokes). This sounds great!

  13. Stephanie, you crack me up! I've been married 27 yrs. and have NEVER fixed brussel sprouts. (Our kids have been deprived!) I think my husband & I both had bad Brussel Sprout memories as kids. This recipe makes me want to give them another try. Thanks!

  14. I will definitely try these! Brussel sprouts are my new favourite vegetable. Didn't like them for 25 years, and now they are awesome in a grown-up way.

  15. I love these roasted with a little sugar and olive oil... which I don't think can be recreated in a slow cooker... the leaves are crispy and so delicious! I might try this one... we aren't mustard fans though. I wonder if there is a good sub?

  16. I am curious if the dijon even carries over in flavor? Every time I bake with dijon or mustard in general, that sharp taste nearly evaporates.

    Love the idea of slow cooker brussel sprouts, but if these were simmering in our kitchen all day, I might lose a husband :) I'll have to sneak in a quick bake still.

  17. Ooh - these look delicious. My two favorite vegetables might just be brussel sprouts and beets. Can't wait to try this recipe.

  18. We're big fans of brussel sprouts at our house. They are one of my kids' favorite foods. So I'm going to have to try this...a new way to make them!

  19. @teekaroo - When I first got some from my friend's stand at the Farmer's Market, my kids called them "Lettuce Balls". (ok, Cabbage Balls would be more correct, but they didn't know that.)

    If anyone wants an idea to introduce kids to them, I even gave each of them an uncooked "lettuce ball" to play with and peel apart while I cooked them - that went over well to introduce them to it.

    Steph - I've had that recipe before but never from a crockpot! I'm so glad it works in a crockpot too! I'll have to give it a try (along with my other recipe - the brussels sprouts/carrot/horseradish one I posted on your Beets comments :) )

  20. I have to try this; it sounds so good!

  21. YUM! I love Brussels Sprouts, but normally buy the frozen version and use butter and salt. I think I'll attempt my own!

  22. Another brussel sprout lover here....will try this recipe as soon as I get to the store to buy some. :)

  23. I totally thought you were kidding yesterday when you said you had a brussels sprouts recipe coming.

    Not sure if I'll be giving this one a try, but I know that if anyone can make brussels sprouts good it's you!

    I also learned something new today! I always thought it was "brussel sprouts" not brussels sprouts!

  24. Honeybee10/27/2010


    This is a dumb question, but I am fairly new to slow-cooking:

    Is the size of the slow-cooker really that important for the various recipes? Is there wiggle-room? Obviously, I wouldn't over fill a cooker, but is it Ok to use one slightly larger than suggested?

    I have a 3L and 6L one, but I really don't want to have to buy any more of them.

    Thanks for any words of wisdom!

  25. This'll be something new! I've always steamed them in the past and served them salted & peppered with butter. Brussel sprouts have such a rich buttery taste. My kids grew up eating them and love them! Plus, they are so easy to make...and now even easier with this crockpot recipe, thanks!

  26. I have a bumper crop of sprouts in the garden right now. Your timing is perfect.
    I can't wait to try them out in my brand new Cuisinart that I won on your product review site. It is the bomb!

  27. I already have my own favorite brussels sprouts recipe but I will totally try this one!

    I'm sorry to see that the end of "Crocktober" is getting near...

  28. The last time I ate brussel sprouts, I was about 9 and I was practically forced to eat them. I got sick that night. Really, really sick. My dad promised I'd never have to eat another one the rest of my life.

    I kind of want to try this recipe.

  29. I've really tried to like brussel sprouts, but I've thought they were horrid every time I've tried them. So, is this a recipe for those who actually like them, or it a recipe for those who really want to like them & will after trying this recipe?

  30. My 10-yr old also loves these little guys...we are the only two in a family of six. I think that's probably a fairly high percentage!

  31. I never liked Brussels Sprouts until a friend sauteed fresh ones in butter and garlic. They were divine. This recipe sounds wonderful, Steph. You're increasing the veggie love in addition to getting folks to cook more! Jamie Oliver and those of us who support his Food Revolution crew love you. :-)


  32. I LOVE brussel sprouts! I tend to roast mine w/ bacon, shallots and apples. I would love to try something simplier like this. I don't like mustard. Any thoughts on a substitute?

  33. This recipe was wonderful!MMMMmm

  34. I just made this recipe today, and really enjoyed it.

    @Honeybee - I used my 3 Qt slowcooker and it was fine. I believe the rule of thumb is that you want to fill a slowcooker to at least 2/3 full for the best results. Mine got a bit dried toward the end, so I just added more liquid.

    The nice thing about this recipe is it removes any bitterness from the brussels sprouts - they were actually quite smooth. The mustard was very subtle - it was the perfect amount.

    When I needed to add more liquid, I used chicken broth, which enhanced the flavor even more.

    I'll make this again, for sure, and will try some added flavors, like the bacon (Yum!) someone suggested above.

  35. Every Saturday, we pick up our Bountiful Baskets basket full of fruits and veggies. And then we come home and I come on here to look up fun, new, easy and yummy crockpot recipes on how to prepare everything! Thank you for all you do!!

    This week, as you can guess, we got a bunch of brussels sprouts. I had them once as a kid and they were ok. I never diskliked them, but never had them made so deliciously like I did once I was an adult and had them at a restaurant. I can't remember at all how they were prepared though! I've wanted to make them for the kids but I've been afraid of introducing them in a way that scars them for life. LOL

    Now they're here, in my house, and I must make them. I will use your recipe. You've never failed us so I really hope this one works for making my kids love, or at least tolerate, brussels sprouts!

  36. Um I agree. I do not like brussels sprouts but I made this recipe and almost licked the pan clean! They don't have the bitter taste, are soft and delicious! I will make this again. both of my girls ate them up, well my 3 year old ate the middles after I ate the outside 'green' part but that was good enough for me.

  37. Will these turn out ok if I triple the recipe?

  38. Hi Kristy, that's what I'm doing this year! Yes. Just use a 6-quart slow cooker, and stir every hour or so. The ones on the edges will brown and get a bit crispy, which is great.
    Once they have reached proper doneness, turn the cooker to warm. Don't keep cooking them or they'll get too soft.


  39. Anonymous11/24/2010

    This sounds really good. Yay for shrunken voodoo cabbages!

  40. Someone had commented above that they didn't want to introduce brussels sprouts in a way that scars her children for life... that's what happend to me! I had them once as a kid, they were insanely horrid, and I haven't tried them since. I saw them prepared on a cooking show last week and vowed to try them again after all the oohs and ahhs on the show. This sounds simple and lovely, and I am sold on the fact that you said cooking them this way takes away the bitterness. Now, I'm going to try frozen ones... if it turns out awful, I'll try fresh ones. Thanks for sharing these recipes!

  41. Anonymous12/11/2010

    I just made these. I was a little skeptical of your title (BEST anything is always a big order to fill) but gotta agree that these are amazing! I love the flavour combination. Thanks for sharing!


  42. Anonymous12/15/2010

    Good recipe. 1/4 teaspoon of dried tarragon is a nice addition with the mustard.

  43. I know this is commenting way into the archives but I made these tonight (half the recipe in my baby 1.5 quart slow cooker -- I'm cooking for one) with honey dijon mustard and they were delicious!

    (They sure did stink up the apartment though, hah)

  44. gina D3/17/2011

    I have to say that I have recently found this site and LOVE IT!!!! Thanks for sharing. Reading your recipes and the stories of your family that go along with them make me try more of your recipes than any other blogger. This recipe sounds great and is all fixed in the fridge, waiting for tomorrow.

  45. These were amazing!!! I love Brussel Sprouts, but who could have guessed what a little bit of grey poupon would add to them?!? My sister hates Brussel Sprouts, and ate half the pot! She loved them. Next time I am going to add balsamic vinegar instead of the mustard. I also made a foil packet and cooked them in the oven instead of the crockpot because I was already using my oven.

  46. Anonymous4/24/2011

    I have made this dish a few times and its always a hit. I do however use Honey Dijon mustard and alittle more then what the recipe calls for. I am getting ready to throw on a pot for Easter dinner and can't wait to eat them! The only part I don't love is the smell after hours of cooking, but in the end I will take the smell for the great taste of the sprouts!!

  47. Anonymous4/25/2011

    I made these yesterday for Easter dinner and what a hit they were! Was even asked for the recipe. I didn't have dijon so I used what I had -- spicy brown mustard -- and they were great. Thanks for all the great recipes; I'm using my crockpot alot more since I've found this site!

  48. THANK YOU for this!!!! I'd never had brussel sprouts till I saw this recipe last week and oh em gee, I LOVE them!

    I just bought myself another lot and it's in the crockpot as I type. THANKS again!!!

  49. Made these every day for a couple weeks. Doesn't get any better. Seriously, to those skeptical: throw your doubts by the wayside. So easy, so good. Words cannot do this simple dish justice.

  50. I made these for my husband last night and we both really enjoyed them (he has always been a brussel sprouts fan and I am trying to learn to appreciate them myself). I was a little nervous about the dijon mustard because I am not a huge dijon fan but it imparted a great mild flavor. Will be adding this recipe as a regular go-to.

  51. Anonymous1/11/2012

    I have these in the crockpot right now. We've started a new diet which doesn't allow butter. (cringe) I added a bit more Dijon and added a tablespoon of I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter. It should be fine. The dijon is the real foundation of this dish. Last time I made it my only complaint was there wasn't enough of it.

  52. This was REALLY good. I made it with a package of frozen brussels sprouts I had in the freezer, and 1/2 package of fresh sliced brussels sprouts. I'll definitely make this one again.

  53. These really were fabulous. THANK YOU!

  54. I love roasted Brussels sprouts - Husband cannot eat mustard so instead I will try the bacon/balsamic vinegar someone(s) suggested. ANY vegetable can be improved by roasted, IMHO, and this is a version of roasting.

    For the people who don't like cabbage-scented kitchens - plug the crockpot in on your porch (or balcony if you're an appartment dweller). (In the garage is likely to send the scent into the house.) I take the buffet-burner outside when I need to fry onions!

  55. I have made these several times and I love them, Have been asked for the recipe on several occasions and have suggested it to several people, all of them giving it high praise. A friend who would not eat them for 30 yrs now makes them for him and his wife. THANKS FOR THIS RECIPE!
    P.S. if the market is out of sprouts this works well with cabbage also, just cut into small chunks.

  56. love Brussel sprouts but my fav recipe includes BACON with them...

  57. Every winter our local produce store gets Brussel Sprouts still on the vine, looks like a tree of them, going to give this recipie a try

  58. We tried this recipe last night and it was amazing! My husband has always been silent as he ate my old Brussels Sprouts standby (roasted), but for this recipe -- he couldn't stop talking about how much he loved it! And soooooo easy! Thank you!

  59. I am dying to try out this recipe in my new slow cooker (Santa brought it!).... I hate beets too!!!

  60. I have hated brussel sprouts for over 30 yrs. Even the smell gags me. These were delicious

  61. These were absolutely delicious! I added grated cheese, so good!

  62. I made these at Thanksgiving. I was out of Dijon mustard, so I used horseradish mustard. Delicious!

  63. I love Brussels Sprouts, so I'm always looking for another way to make them. I sauteed them with bacon, onions & lemon juice last week. The Spousal Unit, who normally passes on them, got up for seconds! I'll definitely try this recipe. I'm curious to see if he'll like them made this way.

  64. can't wait to try the recipe and YES to emails. thx u.

  65. I was looking for a way to keep things warm this year for Thanksgiving as I cooked and I thought, I have 2 slow cookers, let's find a recipe for carrots and brussels sprouts. I read a few recipes and found yours. Simple, easy, and just the right time on low cooking for me to prepare my dinner. I loved it and so did my guests. The 1lb of sprouts were one of the few dishes that was completely gone. I hate editing recipes when I've never had the original but (I hate saying but LOL) I did add some chipotle smoky hot sauce to it as I wanted it to be smoky and a small bite. The mustard and smokey spice was perfect. With this recipe, another slow cooker carrot one, and a warming tray for my other sides I had a restaurant buffet style Thanksgiving with no worries of things cooling as I finished cooking. Thanks and I'm going to review your site for other slow cooker ideas!

  66. Anonymous4/06/2017

    I'm hoping to try this one out for Easter dinner. Has anyone used frozen sprouts with success? Getting fresh ones where we live is nearly impossible...

  67. Anonymous10/04/2020

    So glad i tried this. It tastes great and no bitter taste. I did substitute some of butter for i cant believe its not butter.

  68. I love brussels sprouts, but have only ever made frozen ones. This sounds delicious...I'd love to try it.
    And Happy Almost-Birthday!
