Slow Cooker Fall Favorites

37 recipes listed, all gluten free and family friendly

originally posted in 2010.

I just got back from a pumpkin patch field trip with sixty kindergarteners. 

In the rain. 

I wish I could say that I planned ahead and plugged something in so I could happily (and maybe a bit smugly?) report that, "we came home to a hearty bowl full of wholesome goodness that warmed us right up."

oh how I wish I could say that.

But I can't. 

We came home instead to soggy tuna and rice cakes.

But you? 

You can totally plan ahead. 

These are fantastic fall slow cooker recipes that will keep your tummies full, your house warm and cozy, your family happy, and your budget in check.


Holiday (non-alcoholic) Punch (although "Holiday" is in the title, I've been making this a lot. Wednesdays can totally be the new Holiday.)

Pumpkin Spice Latte (yummers)

Chai Tea Latte (I don't actually like this so much, but my mother-in-law loves it, and so do her friends.)


Brie with Balsamic Apricot Topping (just made this again on Saturday, and have been requested to make it on Thursday for my friend Jennifer's jewelry party. Oh! anyone want to buy jewelry? I think there might be an online form.)

Sundried Tomato Dip (one of the very first things I made during my challenge)

Cream Cheese, Sausage, and Rotel Dip (AKA Mommy Crack)

Pizza Fondue (liquid pizza)

Fancy Cheese Fondue

Main Courses

Apricot Chicken (the kids LOVE this)

Pizza Soup (because you need more liquid pizza)

Pasta Fagioli (copy cat(ish) from the Olive Garden. We eat this monthly.)

Coq au Vin (red wine for purple, white wine for not-purple)

Salsa Chicken and Black Bean Soup (I get the nicest thank you notes about this one)

Java Roast (doesn't taste like coffee. I promise.)

Chile Verde (I make this for guests. Often.)

Mongolian Beef (lots of ingredients, but totally worth it)

Korean Ribs (from Stefania, of City Mama)

Orange Apricot Pork Chops (a favorite with kids)

Cranberry Pork Tenderloin (my little buddy Austin's review is priceless on this one)

Asian Peanut Butter Pork (mmm. peanut butter.)

Sausage Vegetable Medley (we eat this an awful lot. super easy.)

Jamaican Pumpkin Soup (amazingly delicious)


Cheesecake (I was crazily ecstatic at how this turned out. I think the neighbors could hear my squealing)

Crustless Pumpkin Pie (exactly what it sounds like!)

Apple Crisp (the people in the audience at GMA liked this)

Peach (or whatever fruit you'd like) Pie (I had canned peaches in the house)

Pumpkin Pie Dip (fondue-y)

5 Layer Brownies (use a small slow cooker for this, or your middle won't set)

Pound Cake (I can't believe I ate the whole thing)

Rice Krispies Treats (the kids can do this alone. while I nap. It's a good thing.)

Caramel Apples (great surprise as an after school snack)

Brownie-in-a-Mug (So. Much. Fun.)

CrockPot season is coming! I love coming home to food that has cooked itself! Everything from desserts to appetizers listed here.


The holidays are coming! My books make excellent gifts! :-)


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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at September 18, 2023

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What they say about this article

  1. I just watched the video of you on GMA. You were so cute!!! Great shirt!! Thanks for the great recipes, keep them coming.

  2. I was so excited to return home from a trip yesterday and find my copy of your new cookbook waiting on my doorstep.
    I've just started reading through it, and I can't wait to try more of the recipes.
    (I've tried lots from the blog posts already!)
    Congratulations on the book and the new baby!

  3. Thank you for all of these great recipes.....with the cooler weather these are all of the things I have been craving! Great job on GMA - I can't wait to pick up your cookbook!


  4. You missed Autumn Sausage Casserole! That's one of my faves. :)

    Congrats on the book & GMA! Off to watch it!

  5. This is a great list. I love using my crockpot and your blog has definitely been an inspiration for me!

  6. Are there enough days left in fall for me to try everything?

    I should probably by additional crockpots so I can have more than one going at a time.

  7. Congrats and kudos and hugs on your new cookbook! It's wonderful. I will be trying many recipes. Very inspiring!

    And thanks for the yummy fall round-up of slow cooker goodness. xox

  8. I just watched the video of you on GMA. Great Job!!! I will have to see about getting your cookbook as I do enjoy your recipes!!

  9. Just made the brie and apricots AGAIN tonight! Have made it about 10 times at this point, its our FAVORITE FAVORITE meal!

  10. Anonymous10/20/2009

    I was thrilled to find your cookbook in our tiny Barnes and Noble. I had to have them track down their 2 copies they had in store. One for me and one for mom.

    Congrats on being published and thanks for such a wonderful book!!

  11. Great job on GMA. Congratulations on baby #3. Just ordered your book! Love your recipes! Thanks so much!

  12. Oh my goodness! You are too cute, you itty bitty thing. I can't wait to go pick up your cookbook. You have saved my family many nights of take out. My husband brags that I slow cook everything.

  13. I love your comment about the 5-layer brownie - "use a small cooker for this or your middle won't set". My middle is definitely not set and it's because of eating things like 5-layer brownies :-)

  14. This post just made my day! Thank you so much!

  15. I bought the book and made the split-pea soup (with a hambone from Honey Baked Ham). Yummy!

  16. You did a great job Stephanie! Glad you posted the video so we could see it! Congrats on the book!!

  17. Went into Waterstone's and DEMANDED your book, loudly. It's not published here, yet, but I told the people it was EXCELLENT and WONDERFUL and to be sure to order extra cuz it's gonna fly from the shelves.

    They say they'll have it on the 29th.

  18. You are right about the Java roast- no coffee flavor at all, just a delicious, tender roast. So. Good.

    And I told you I'd buy your book with my leftover Amazon g.c....but I think I already used it. Have no fear! Your book is totally on my Christmas list.

  19. Anonymous10/20/2009

    Love the GMA show. Went well and you didn't freak out with anxiety! Job well done. And congrats on baby #3 coming. LOL. there are 7 babies coming in or around my office, too. Must be in the air! lol.

    Thank you for the recipes. I've made a few so far and they are fabulous! Thank U! Thank U!

  20. Thanks for organizing all the Fall recipes. I simply adore them.

    Off to watch the clip!

  21. Great collection!! I'm excited to try the Pumpkin Latte. Yummmm.

    Here's another great beverage from the crock pot:

    2 quarts apple cider (or juice)
    1 orange, quartered
    1 cinnamon stick
    1/2 tsp whole allspice
    1/2 tsp whole cloves

    Cook on low for a few hours...makes the house smell AMAZING!! I like to stir a little caramel sauce into my mug to make caramel apple cider...delicious topped with whipped cream.

  22. Just watched the clip. You look great. I would have been so nervous!!

    Congrats on baby!

  23. Anonymous10/20/2009

    I saw you on tv...went right out and bought the book! Had 3 crockpots going today! LOVE IT!!! 1 question...on the recipes that call for shrimp...could you substitute chicken...anyone???
    Sandi Shealy

  24. Hi Sandy,

    Sure. Shrimp takes a *much* shorter time to cook, though, so you'll need to add the chicken in with the first ingredients, rather than stirring it in at the end the way the seafood dishes ask.

    xoox steph

  25. I've been watching your blog for awhile and absolutely LOVE it! Congrats on GMA! I can't wait to grab ahold of your cookbook : )


  26. I was so excited when my pre-order of five cookbooks came in the mail! Congratulations on a wonderful cookbook. I've read through half of it and there are so many I can't wait to try! I'm going to have some happy sisters and in-laws this Christmas!

    And congrats on your GMA appearance, you look wonderful!

  27. How cute are you!! You were such a a natural!! Good Job -- I can't wait to get your cookbook!

  28. You did a great job on GMA!!! Way to go. I'm going to have to try the chicken recipe you used that day.

  29. This is a great list, wonderful reference for those "tired" moments. I watched the video clip, great job. You handled yourself very well and did not act at all out of place, because you were not! Kinda cool.

  30. My copy arrived today:) I've spent the evening thumbing through it but mostly reading "the verdicts." I love the kids' responses as well. Obviously, I'm a Crock Pot fan myself since I host Crock Pot Wednesday. I'm thrilled with your success and hope it gets even better for you and your family. I'll be trying out more of your suggestions. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  31. Anonymous10/21/2009

    Your book came in the mail yesterday. I just happened to have cabbage and potatoes that I wanted to cook for supper, but how? Every member of the family enjoyed them roasted (page 103).
    Thanks for the great resource.

  32. Loved the clip! You are so short and sweet! I finished making Apple Butter this morning and had it on homemade cinnamon raisin bread with cream cheese... Wow. Thank you for giving me a wonderful, new breakfast!! Gonna try the apple crisp now ASAP!

  33. Just wanted to say that I love the cook book! I've tried 3 recipes and can't wait to try more. I did a book review here:
    I think I need to get more slow cookers so I can't make multiple things at a time:)

  34. I just heard about your blog and I am so excited!!!!
    I have an autistic son and we are starting him on a gluten-free casein-free diet and we also already have a son with Celiacs... so the natural course was to take the whole family along for the "ride"...

    SO happy to find you!

  35. Just wanted to say that this is on my Christmas list! I am trying to be patient!

  36. Oh my gosh, you were so poised! I am going to try that recipe. You handled that like a Food Network Pro!


  37. Oh my goodness, just found your blog today and already HAD TO TRY the pumpkin spice lattes! SOOOOO good! I've been looking for a good set of crock pot recipes and just ordered two copies of your book on Amazon. THANK YOU!! :)

    Can't wait to try some of the recipes you posted for Indian food next! I was searching for a good chicken curry crock pot recipe on Google when I found your blog.

  38. Anonymous10/25/2009

    Hi Steph,
    I followed your blog last year and told all my friends about it.
    Of course I pre-ordered the book-easier to find all my faves now!
    Just watched the clip and have a question. What kind of crock pot did you use on the show? The size looked ginormous and I love the idea of the crock pot turning itself down to warm.

  39. i got your cookbook at barnes & noble. flipped through it and easily folded the edges of about a dozen pages to mark recipes i would love to make. decision, decisions! i gave it to my husband and told him to pick some for me to start with because i can't decide. they all look so good and EASY! today we are enjoying sunday football so i put on the tamale pie. i added browned hamburger since it's not a meal if it doesn't have meat (according to the husband) and then some red enchilada sauce poured on top at the end of cooking. it was GREAT! i think leftovers will freeze well for an emergency meal. thanks for making my day so much easier and way tastier!

  40. HI Nancy,

    I used a 6.5 quart All Clad that GMA provided. There are quite a few different slow cookers on the market that are programmable, in a variety of price ranges.

    xoxo steph

  41. I love your blog, and I can't wait to get a copy of your book. I think it will make awesome Christmas gifts too. Thanks!

  42. Anonymous10/27/2009

    LOVE your blog and received my copy of your book last week. Already, a few of my friends are asking to "borrow" my book. LOL- I told them to go buy their own cause I am not letting mine out of my sight! I have already tried a couple of recipes and the family LOVED them (the Hubbeast especially loves the Whole Chicken recipe and the Chicken and Rice soup! Thank so much for making my slow-cooker interesting again! Hugz, Lora J.

  43. I SOSOSOSO looove the Pasta Fagioli. I actually just made it yesterday. But I forgot to turn the crockpot on in the morning. SO I dumped it allll into my big bean pot and cooked it in two hours on the stove. Not quite the same. But still tasted delicious.

  44. Mellisa10/27/2009

    Stephanie, you are so cute! I just love your blog, and your personality.. I watched the clip on GMA, and it was neat to see you in "action". I have only been following your blog for a little while, actually I found it by googling turkey soup after thanksgiving last year. I ended up making your turkey & wild rice soup, and it was delicious!! I've been hooked ever since! Thanks for doing what you do!! You are an inspiration to me!

  45. Steph- Thanks so much for the link. I wanted to let you know that I have a few friends that have already bought the cookbook. Yea!


  46. Thanks for this inspiration! I love my crockpot and needed some new recipes for the fall. I love cooking for the fall!

  47. i'm back to leave another comment because i made your sweet and spicy salmon. OMG! amazing flavor!! i did't have the time to put it in the crock so i threw it in the oven. the flavors were so awesome! so rich! i didn't add as much pepper flakes but i'll add more next time. i also made the rotisserie chicken and it was the best crockpot whole chicken i've made ever. you are amazing.

  48. I received your cook book as a birthday present, hat a wonderful gift!

  49. Anonymous11/09/2010

    So pleased to have found this site - I love my slow-cooker (I actually have three) and will be purchasing a book as a Christmas present for my slow-cookers!

  50. I just found your blog and I am now in love! You and your recipes will be a god send once I give birth:) Thank you!
