Hey Steph,
You've used your crockpot every single day for a year, what are you going to do now?
I'm going to Disneyland!
We're driving. And I'm one of those mean moms who said "no" to the dvd player in the car.
it's an 8 hour drive.
Hold me.

You've used your crockpot every single day for a year, what are you going to do now?
I'm going to Disneyland!
We're driving. And I'm one of those mean moms who said "no" to the dvd player in the car.
it's an 8 hour drive.
Hold me.
Wooohoooo! And you SO deserve this trip :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great time!!!!
What an amazing feat you have accomplished!
Thanks for a flavorful year. Have a good trip
ReplyDeleteThanks for a flavorful, gluten free year. May your next year be blessed. Have a great trip.
ReplyDeleteHave fun at Disney and thank you SO much for a year or crockpotting! I've enjoyed the recipes and will keep coming back for more!
ReplyDeleteYou're a good mom. We should start a movement against DVD players in cars! Poor kids these days.
ReplyDeletebut the most important question....will you be taking a crockpot with you?!?!? By the way, made the apricot brie recipe last night for guests, but didn't have dried apricots, so substituted dried figs instead, it was amazing! I've loved your blog.
Best wishes and happy continued crockpotting!
ReplyDeleteHave a great trip! Will there be a "Crocking On The Road" post when you get back?
ReplyDeleteAnd why is the tune to "99 bottles of beer" running through my head???
Too cute! Thanks for a year filled with great recipes for all tastes. Have a blast!
Have a wonderful trip!! Thank-you for all the crockpot recipes! Hopefully we will still see you in '09!
ReplyDeleteGo...Have fun...Don't think about the crock pot...You deserve it! Thank you ever so much for making me become obsessed with my crock pot! It's been fun and REALLY tasty!
ReplyDeleteEven the portable laptop kind of DVD players? That's the best $80 I've ever spent! :) Ohhh... ok, that and the $10 headphones to go with it.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that I have loved reading your blog every day this year. I've always been a big fan of the crockpot, and I really enjoyed seeing you try things that I'm not brave enough to try myself. ;)
Have a great trip!
THANK YOU for the time and dedication to 365 wonderful recipes....you aught to turn this site into an e-book or hard copy one (please?!? :) )!! Go and have yourself a real good time......and don't cook unless you have to!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a safe trip and an AMAZING time! :)
ReplyDeleteYeah for you! I can't believe you made it 365+1 days! Have a fun trip!
ReplyDeleteA well deserved trip (I said rest at first, but the remembered you were bringing your kids... so, trip it is.. :))! You're leaving the Crockpot at home right? Right???
ReplyDeleteHave SO MUCH FUN!!
Have a great well-deserved trip!
ReplyDeleteHave a great time...and I hate those DVD thingy's too.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful, wonderful time. And know that you're an inspiration to lots of cooks!!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! Thanks so much for doing this blog the past year! I love it. Hope your vacation is fun and relaxing! :)
ReplyDeleteDid you pack the crockpot? :)Have a great time! and thank you for all the work on my behalf!
ReplyDeleteWahoo ... have fun!! You know .. I feel a DVD player is more of a treat for mom and dad!!! LOL So, kudos to you saying no. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for a wonderful gluten-free year! After discovering our son's Celiac the discovery of your blog made my life fun, yummy and often times easy!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Disneyland - you'll have to let me know if you can find anything gluten free while there!
And lastly, bravo for not having a DVD in your car. We don't and won't either and we take long car trips. It will work out just fine!
Hey Stephanie, congratulations for your very successful year!
ReplyDeleteYOU DID IT!
And I'm so grateful for all the great recipes :)
Happy New Year,
ReplyDeleteI just don't know what I am going to do with myself everyday. I have looked forward to you each day. Thanks for all the great ideas and awesome recipes. God Bless all of you and enjoy Disney! Say hi to Mickey Mouse for me!!!!
Brigett' LadyStyx427@yahoo.com
Yay! Have fun!! You deserve it... after all that cooking.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your recipes!
Thank you so much for your blog--you've re-kindled our love affair. I tell all my friends about this site, and i can't wait for the book.
ReplyDeleteHave a great 2009!
Stephanie, I discovered your blog late in the year - in November, I think - and so our "relationship" was a brief one. However, in that short time, I have tried many of your fabulous recipes. Even as I type, I have your mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream cooking their little hearts out in one of my crockpots. :)
ReplyDeleteI plan to visit your blog regularly and you can feel free to check mine out, too, if you ever have some down time in between recipes!
Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteWoo Hoo! You've done it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your perserverance and perfectly delicious crockpot ideas. Happy New Year and say "hi" to Cinderella for me.
Lynne in NC
HAVE FUN!!!! I've enjoyed your blog since I found it in June!!! I'll keep checking it hopping for new recipes!!
ReplyDeleteHmmm you might be near us! We also have an eight hour drive to Disneyland. We always leave in the middle of the night so the kids sleep as much as possible on the road. Really cuts down on the "Are we there yet?" thing.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy! DLand is my favorite place in the world.
LOVE YOUR EARS! HAVE FUN!!! Wish you could hide me in your bag and take me with you :)
ReplyDeletehave fun, steph!!! love the ears. they suit you well.
ReplyDeleteLove that place, have fun and enjoy a meal out ;)
ReplyDelete[Slow clapping] I am seriously so impressed with your ability to stick with this all year.
ReplyDeleteI've loved subscribing to this blog.
Enjoy Disney Land! And I'm in the mean mom club too—YAY!
Have a great time!
ReplyDeleteHave fun and Happy New Year!!
ReplyDeletehave a great time! We're going to Dinseyworld in 16 days ( and we live in the Pacific Northwest.) Im a mean mom too. I refuse to have a DVD player in the car and we go on 16+ hour trips. Books on Cd are awesome.
ReplyDeleteHave fun! You can still stop at Target and pick up a portable..or the laptop will work in a pinch too!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
PLay the ABC game with road signs. Everyone tries to get through the alphabet a bunch of times using letters on the signs and billboards. My favorite sign is the one that says, "Bridge surface may freeze before pavement" - you get letters R-U or Y-G at one time!
ReplyDeleteAnd keep a notepad handy to record all the different states on license plates. We've never broken our record of 43 states. You'd be surprised how often you see Hawaii and Alaska license plates on the eastern seaboard!
you're not mean, you brave... VERY brave :)
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful trip. Thanks for the year of crockpot fun.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great year!
ReplyDeleteI'm one of those mean moms too. The first time we had a 6 hour trip with a 19 month old I very quickly said YES to a portable DVD player in the car. ;)
well have fun!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, congratulations on this HUGE achievement! I can't imagine the relief and sense of accomplishment you have right now. Secondly, I'm going to miss you! I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog every day since I found it (March-ish) and will miss it so much. My family has eaten many a tasty meal thanks to you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! You deserve a vacation! As for the DVD player, you may regret that around hour 4. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteLOL. You deserve a break! Thanks for some really good crockpotting recipes. My fave is Obama's Chili.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful time! Thanks for all the great recipes and laughs!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your crock pot ups and downs with the rest of the world! Have fun at Disney!
ReplyDeleteHave a BLAST!! An 8 hour drive isn't that bad and the kids need to see the world around them (as my MIL keeps telling me) since I rely on the DVD player with three kids in the car but we take the trip monthly to Disney World so they have seen the world around them....LOL!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the wonderful recipes and laughs along the way. Enjoy your time in the Magic Kingdom...you deserve it!
ReplyDeleteHave fun!
ReplyDelete8 hours...that's a drop in the bucket compared to our trip to Illinois last year (well, 2007!) to visit my MIL for Thanksgiving. There were eight (8!) of us in a Suburban...4 adults and 4 kids, who ranged from 5 to 13 (the kids, not the adults...although two said adults sometimes act like kids. haha.) Anyway, if the 8 of us can make a 15-16 hour trip from TX to IL, you guys can make it to Disneyland! It's gotta be easier than coming up with a new crockpot recipe every single day for a year, right?! ;)
ReplyDeleteHave a super terrific time. I agree about the DVD. Have you thought about some really god books on tape - books you and the children and your husband would enjoy. That's what we used to do.. You can also read aloud or play cow poker.
ReplyDeleteHave so much fun.
Congratulations! You definitely deserve it! Thanks for getting me back into using my crockpot! And, you've inspired me to start my own blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm another one of those mean moms that says no to the DVD player.
Oh how fun...well, maybe not the car ride, but the destination. And you are so deserving. We had the mulled wine AND the crab dip both last night and both were amazing!
ReplyDeleteplanning a trip as we speak! Have a great trip! no dvd? it has been done before ... you will survive! :)
ReplyDeletethanks for a great 2008!
Happy new year!
Good job...I'm just sorry I didn't find you sooner...have a well deserved vacation ! Happy 2009...how on earth did I miss you on Rachel Ray's show ??? Darn !
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Disney World, and I think I love Disneyland just as much!
ReplyDeleteHave a FABULOUS time! Thank you so much for devoting your entire 2008 to that humble (and oft overlooked) kitchen appliance, the CrockPot.
Have fun!!! And brings books on CD. They're a lifesaver! I'm also a no dvd in the car kind of mom.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all of the recipes! Have a great time!
ReplyDeleteAnd, maybe you could borrow a DVD player..if not, you'll have my prayers.
Audio books...Leap pad...road bingo...and earplugs. Have a blast.
ReplyDeleteHow cute are you?
ReplyDeleteAnd OHMYGOSH that DVD player saved our life on our trip up to Fresno last week. What are you thinking, woman?
Have fun, will miss you.
Have a GREAT trip!! You completely deserve it. And, don't take your pot--have someone else do the cooking for awhile! :)
ReplyDeleteI've been visiting your amazing blog for maybe 4 or 5 months or so. I'm a total lurker, as I've never commented--sorry! But, I have tried so many of your recipes and my family is *very* thankful for you and your gift of crockpotting :) Thanks for the great year. We're off to make tamales!! (and black-eyed pea soup, if my husband ever makes it home from the store!)
You are going to have a blast! We went to Disney World in October. Best vacation ever! Thanks for your wonderful recipes and sense of humor. Happy 2009!
ReplyDeleteKudos on the "no DVD" player in the car. Enjoy the ride!
ReplyDeleteLoved spending the year with you.
Have fun - you have certainly earned this trip.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the book coming out as well. You rock.
aka Cookie
Have an awesome time, be safe and watch out for crazy's on the road - thanks for a year of inspiration, you gave us some great recipes.
ReplyDeletehave A ball - Thanks for the good eats this year. and If you and the kids watch carefully sometimes you can see coyotes as you drive down the west side.
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and wanted to say have fun in Disneyland! I look forward to trying out some of your recipes!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful time! Thank you for yummy food, happy tummies, and light hearted laughs.
ReplyDeleteWishing you many blessings in the new year.
I will truly miss visiting you every day. I have made MANY of your recipes and hope to cook several more in the new year. Congratulations on a job well done. ~A
ReplyDeleteHave a great time!
ReplyDeleteThanks for so many awesome recipes.
We just got back from Walt Disney World. It is a 18+ hour drive. I worship the makers of the portable DVD player. Of course, DS is an only child and doesn't have anyone to play (or fight) with.... so that may make a difference.
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, I hope you have an awesome trip!
I have enjoyed your blog immensely this past year. I am really looking forward to the new one as well since I am organizationally challenged!
Have a great trip. I have so enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to trying more of the recipes.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reinventing my idea of what can and can't go in the crockpot! I now use it weekly (and occasionally twice a week!)
Thank you for this site!
I hope you get to enjoy a few days without cooking and cleaning. Your poor crockpots will be so sad!
ReplyDeleteCute post!
ReplyDeleteI am glad to know there is another "mean" mom out there who doesn't allow a DVD player in the car!! I thought I was the only one!
Have a safe and blessed trip! Thanks for a great blog.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you and your family. Have a wonderful time in Disneyland!
ReplyDeleteNancy P
I think that's awesome- both the trip and the lack of the DVD player.
Woohoo! Have a great time!
ReplyDeleteHave fun!
ReplyDeleteWe were anticipating our estimated 8-10 hour drive (with a 2 year old) to see our family in Vegas for Christmas. My mother-in-law bought my son one of those portable DVD players, as an early Christmas present, which really saved us time, our sanity and ultimately gas (it turns out my car gets better gas mileage when we don't stop).
Our drive took only 7 hours. We stopped once, to do a butt check (diapers can really do a number on baby bottoms). He was more willing to sit in the car seat for longer periods of time with Spongebob and DJ Lance Rock (from Yo Gabba Gabba) at his side, and he even ate!
It's funny how we find ourselves changing our views of things that we were once totally against. Yaay for the portable DVD player! *lol*
On a side note, my Father-in-law bought me a book for Christmas, Fix-It and Forget-It's Big Cookbook by Phyllis Pellman Good, which will help me get over the loss of reading your recipes daily (so dramatic! lol). It has a lot of great recipes--I think--but no verdicts, which is what I really liked about reading your recipes.
Thanks again.
Have a happy and blessed 2009!
Enjoy the trip and say hello to Mickey for me. Thank you for all the great recipes! I work full time and my daughter started gymnastics this fall. My family always looked forward to a new recipe every Tuesday night that was ready when we walked in the door!
ReplyDeleteWell deserved! Are you leaving the laptop at home? Post a picture of your CrockPot with mouse ears in front of the castle, okay?
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your family time! Happy New Year!
(I have lemon rosemary chicken in my CrockPot right now.)
Say "hi" to Mickey and Minnie for us. YOu'll have a ball! I, too, am one of those "mean moms" who won't allow a dVD player in the car. We talk, we listen to awesome books on tape, we play license plate or off ramp sign alphabet games. Thanks for the awesome recipes!
ReplyDeleteI only just found your blog last week (always a day late and a dollar short) but I will be back to try all your vegetarian recipes!
ReplyDeleteHave a great trip!
I just found your blog a few months ago and have been enjoying checking up on you and your recipes ever since. Enjoy your much deserved vacation from your crock pots!!
ReplyDeleteWhy am I not surprised that you are going to Disneyland?Have fun you look so cute with your mouse ears..that should be your new blog banner ;-)
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I live right by Disneyland - wanna meet up? My husband knows lots of tricks to avoid lines ;).
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful vacation! We were just there a few days ago and it was gorgeous. Still decorated for the holidays. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful time!
ReplyDeleteI'm jonesing for Space Mountain, myself.
Your blog has been an inspiration this past year. Thank you so much for sharing with us!
I love disney too.
ReplyDeleteI will miss your daily recipes.
We do long car trips (12 hrs or so) with our kids (11 to 2 yrs) and leave the dvd player home too. We do books on tape, treats we find at the dollar store, and games like road sign bingo. You're not a mean mommy, just one trying to preserve her kid's attention span.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to stop by and thank you again for your wonderful blog! It has been an incredible tool for keeping my family fed and happy throughout the year. I find myself referencing your log on a weekly basis to revisit recipes you have posted or suggestions you have made for making certain recipes. THANK YOU and have a wonderful, well-deserved vacation.
ReplyDelete8 hour car ride with 2 small childern and NO DVD for entertainment??? You are a stronger woman than I.....
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your vacation, and thank you for such an awesome Crock-Pot resource!!
May your new year be prosperous and crock-potty! (Hehe, I said potty!)
Thank you so much for this blog! I recently found out I have Celiac, after I found your blog.I am so excited to have this as a resource. Have a great trip!
Thanks for all the great recipes! I'm going to miss checking your site everyday. Have a great time!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful trip! I too am one of the mommies that say no to dvd in car, so stay strong!
ReplyDeleteIt goes without saying but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Your recipes are fantastic and I have really developed a love of crock-pot cooking!
Happy 2009!
You are getting in to my neck of the woods. Don't know when you plan on going, but be mindful of the weather, it has turned cold and foggy again. I5 was pacing traffic due to fog, had a bad accident with a runaway truck and it was then closed for 3 hours.
ReplyDeleteYou might want to rethink the DVD players. LOL
Way to go with the no DVD player. I did a driving trip to Florida from Texas with 3 kids and we said no to the dvd player too. The kids still talk about the fun we had on the way there and back and it was 4 years ago!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a GREAT year and you are one brave woman. 8 hours in the car and NO DVD?!?!?! wow!!!
ReplyDeleteYou deserve it! I've been following your blog for several months and have decided I could never get it together enough to crockpot everyday :P
ReplyDeletep.s. you are either a mean mommy or a brave woman! i can't travel more than an hour without a dvd player to entertain my 3 kids lol!
How fun! I am happy for you! Have enjoyed following your crockpotting adventure this year!
ReplyDeleteHooray for you! I'm a mean-no-dvd-player mom, too, but my husband is a techno geek, and our kids watch movies on our laptop. You can get an auto adapter plug (it goes in the old fashioned "cigarette lighter"). Disney World is sixteen hours away for us!
ReplyDeletep.s. They did an awesome job with gluten free meals for us!
i hope your trip is as wonderful as the year you've given all of us. we will always be grateful as the recipes and good times around good food live on. thank you.
ReplyDeleteGood for you for not letting them have a DVD. Though it seems as if you spend tons of quality time with your kids which is commendable kids are too stimulated nowadays. How nice to have some family time seeing the country maybe playing those old games about license plates and how many cows and horses you see.
ReplyDeleteI hope you all have a really good time. I also want to thank you for your year of insightful and fun recipes and comments. A friend recommended your blog a few months ago but I've been enchanted ever since.
Happy New Year's!
So what are you going to do this year? I've become dependent on checking your blog everyday.
ReplyDeleteYou're not going to make me get a life are you?
I've only recently discovered your blog and love it. Ooh, I want to try those 5 layer brownies, soon!
ReplyDeleteYeah for Disneyland! Not so yeah for no DVD in the car. I have four boys, one time that we traveled, I bought a bunch of cheap dollar store stuff and wrapped each thing. When the kids would get bored and restless, I would give them a new gift to open. That was a pretty good trip. Now three of the four boys have a Gameboy--those are awesome!
God speed. It'll be worth it when you get there! ;)
Thank you so much for opening a new world of crockpot meal possibilities to our family! Have a great trip!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful blog you have made here! It's a very comfortable place to hang out. I've really enjoyed reading your entries and seeing your pics.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on having had such a special 2008 and for sharing it with us all. I'm certain that this year will offer even more opportunities and wonderful surprises for both you and your family.
Enjoy your much deserved time off. Well done, Stephanie. :>
Have a great time, you deserve it! One question, will you bring your crock pot?
ReplyDeleteHOpe you have fun & I hope you plan on leaving this blog up so we can still access your awesome recipes.
ReplyDeleteOOoh we just got back from Disneyland! Ours was an 8 hour trip also, but with the dvd player. I will forever be grateful to God for that dvd player. Good luck and enjoy Disneyland!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you again for all your work!!
P.S Disneyland Divinity is gluten-free!! YAY!
Have a wonderful trip, I love reading your blog and have gotten some great recipes from it..
ReplyDeleteHave a BLAST! You have worked VERY HARD and should PLAY VERY HARD!!! All the best and thanks so much for the motivation to use my crockpot this year. I first saw you on Rachel. With the 100+ temps in Dallas you helped me keep my home cooler since I didn't have to use the oven! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
oh my gosh! you all are going to have so much fun. I don't know about nixing the DVD player, though. lol!
ReplyDeleteThat's great news....have lots of fun. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Disney ..... I just happened to stumble on your site - and I am so very glad I did.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if I could go 365 days of crockpotting but I'm definitely going to try some of the recipes I've seen.
Thanks for a great idea.
Have fun! Thanks for all the ideas!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful time.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your wonderful 2008 accomplishments! Its been such a pleasure to watch your popularity grow and reading your blog every day for GF dinner ideas. As a celiacfamily and a crockpot owner I(we) thank you from the bottom of my(our) heart(s) for your hard work and dedication.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year, enjoy D-land and may 2009 being nothing but blessings for your family!
ps- please add more indian recipes in your book :p
Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again You. Totally. Rock.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a blessed year and a great time at Disney - driving all that way with no dvd player.... You brave woman. We will hold you. In our prayers! haha
I've always been a fan of crock pot cooking and thanks to you even have more ammunition. It sounds as if this has been a wonderful adventure, and I'm grateful you persevered!
Rock on, Crockpot Lady!
Have a great trip, and say hi to Goofy for me.
Congrats!! Sounds like fun!
ReplyDeleteyour ears look remarkably large.....don't let anyone at Disneyland laugh at you! Thanks for alll the great recipes(gluten free yea!) and the laughs about your views on life......are we all alone in this great big crockpotting world now? (sniff) not really,I have about 100 recipes you posted yet to try....
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on a great year Steph! Your inspiration has provided new family favorites and a lot more love for our crock pot.
ReplyDeleteHow about a list of your all-time top ten best and, if you want, worst recipes from the year (like the movie reviewers recap)?
ReplyDeleteI have yet to "embrace" my crockpot yet, but I'm fascinated and impressed with your feat. Congratulations and have fun!
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! That's awesome! Are you taking the crock pot with you?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if there a model that plugs into the cigarette lighter?
Hey, Stephanie! Out of habit, I went to your site first thing today for a new idea for dinner! There's still plenty to choose from that I haven't tried yet, so I'm good. Was it kinda weird knowing you didn't have to post today? Hope you and yours have a great time on vacation and a great New Year. Thanks for the wonderful gift you have given us each day this past year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great crockpot ideas! Our whole family has been gluten free since our daughter was diagnosed with Celiac Disease 2 years ago. It is refreshing and encouraging to see recipes that I do not have to convert. Thanks for all your hard work this year. Enjoy Disney - they are gluten free nirvana!
NO DVDs. Agreed! But we really like the National Storytelling Festivals recordings for our trips -- they provide lots of follow-up comparisons and conversations...! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous trip. Can't wait for the book to come out!!
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time leaving you a comment - but not the first time I have been to your blog! THANK YOU!!! I have enjoyed so many of these recipes and have shared your site with many friends. It has been such a help for me now that I am back to work and needed to use my crockpot again to have dinner ready for the family. Have a wonderful new year & enjoy Disney!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah! Have a good time and thanks for a great crockpot year!
ReplyDeleteStephanie, I hope you have a wonderful trip to Disneyland! You definitely deserve it!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I really enjoyed this blog and am eagerly awaiting the book! Have fun in Disneyland!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on a great year! I'm glad you are leaving your site up too. And I'm loving that triple Crock Pot server that Santa brought you!
You deserve the trip! Have fun!
ReplyDeleteAs a GF girl, I wanted to say thanks for all of your great recipes and tips!
ReplyDeleteYour cornbread stuffing made my Thanksgiving day!
You deserve it! I have enjoyed your blog so very much. You are making a cook outta this gal.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your book, ya smarty pants!
Best wishes for a fabulous '09!
Way to go!!!
ReplyDeleteI adore your ears. Have a magical trip. :)
ReplyDeleteHave fun! I have really enjoyed your site this year.
ReplyDeleteHave a great trip and have fun! My husband also banished the DVD player (his laptop) on our recent trip - we all survived. Listening to cds with stories and stuff helped A LOT!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Mission accomplished!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great ideas and stories!!! Have fun at Disney!
ReplyDeleteHave a great time! You deserve it!
ReplyDeletehave a wonderful time!
ReplyDeleteone question...any resolution for 2009??
Enjoy your time at the happiest place on earth! How will you feel without the Crockpot for a few days???
ReplyDeleteYou certainly rocked the year of crockpot recipies. I know lots of people have asked and suggested - but I really think you should have a book printed. Also - I'd like to see a Top 10 (or the like) of what you and your family thought were the very best. Have a wonderful vacation!
Have fun at disney!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I think just for making dinner every day of the year you deserve a HUGE award!
Thanks for all the great recipes this year. Unfortunately I found out on Christmas day that somehow my liner is cracked through so I cant use mine until I get a new liner or a new crockpot. Shooting for a new crockpot :).
ReplyDeleteYou will so wish that you had a protable DVD player on that trip. It helps my kids from getting car sick. We take it on all trips that are an hour or more.
Congrats and have fun! (And I'm a mean Mom who also said no to the dvd player, was "overruled" by my inlaws who bought both my children one, and they still don't get to use it in the car!)
ReplyDeleteEight hours?! You are slow drivers. We make it in 6.5 hours, stops included. Have a blast!
ReplyDeletehope you're having fun at disneyland! im not too far away from there actually!
ReplyDeletei was wondering if you had a good recipe for stuffed peppers?
when i was younger my friends mom made the best stuffed peppers.. the rice was just fantastic and im dying to find a good rice for my stuffed peppers.
Thanks so much for sharing your culinary adventures with the world. And thanks for leaving this site up - I just discovered it in November, and need more time to peruse!
ReplyDeleteHave a great trip! I'm going to miss daily checking your site, you've opened up the world of crock-potting for me!
ReplyDeletehey, crockpotlady, you're probably not even in disneyland yet and i miss reading you already. thanx for all the good taste teasers and inspiration during the year. i'll keep on checking your blog, whatever u choose to share with me/us.
ReplyDeleteyay for you saying no to the dvd player...I've enjoyed your blog, so thanks and enjoy Disneyland!
ReplyDeleteWhat...it's over? Just like that?
You've given us far more than any blog-reader/crockpot-user would have expected or dreamed of.
I've loved the ride. It's been 365+ days of yummy fun--thanks!
Have a wonderful trip!! I just logged into this and you are a blessing to me! We just began a gluten/dairy/soy free life in our household b/c of the 2 two littlest ones and I'm begging for quick, family friendly, easy and yummy gluten free recipes. I think I just hit the jackpot!! Thank you and I can't wait to buy your book!!!
ReplyDelete"Hold me" - I laughed. out loud. Because I work/have worked with little ones. And I can only imagine what it will be like for you. At our house, my sister, my mom and I all slept because we ALL get nasty car-sickness and thus, must take Dramamine.
ReplyDeleteMaybe your kids have car-sickness? Just kidding - I don't encourage you giving your children medication that they don't need. Please don't - I'm a teacher. :)
And today, I used my slow-cooker WITH a slow-cooker liner from the makers of Reynold's alum. foil...and it was wonderful. Not a single crusty on my slow-cooker to be found. It was great!
Hi Steph,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to tell you that I really admire the fact that you picked a goal and met it every single day. I will use your accomplishment as inspiration to stick to my own goals.
Your blog met a lot to me during a really challenging year. Due to budget changes, I had to cook a lot more than usual last year. Combined with the fact that my husband won't cook for himself and I work a lot of evenings we could have easily starved. I was using my crock pot, but always making the same five recipes, from the manufactures book and 1 recipe book. I now have many others in my reputare and possibilities everywhere.
Thanks you for doing your blog. Good luck in everything you do.
Thank you for helping us all find a little more time in our days with our families. Your have been a blessing to many of us in '08.
ReplyDeleteYEAH!! Hope you continue with the great blog! And, hope you have a bleast in Disney!
ReplyDeleteIf we can do 15 hours in the car (straight through) with an 8 and 3 year old with no DVD player, you can too!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a blast and thanks for all the great dinner ideas!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy...enjoy...enjoy! Your blog is great. You've made me laugh and I've tried many of your recipes. Good for you DVD playerless is the way to go. We have never had a DVD player in our car and we travel often. I wouldn't want to miss any of the conversations, songs we've sang or games we've played while traveling. Just watching the world outside our window is entertaining. We traveled from Ohio to Disney when my daughters were 6 and 8. It was a wonderful trip. Say hi to Ariel and Cinderella for us!
ReplyDeleteHave fun, we are in a depressed state here not having new crock pot recipes, guess i may go back and start with jan 3 2008 Ü
ReplyDeleteHave fun! You deserve a fabulous time! It has been raining here in southern CA, hope you get better weather!
Have fun! I'm a mean mom like that, too. The outbound trip is usually fine. It's the trip back home that needs the diversions.
ReplyDeleteI was just talking crockpotting with BlondeMomBlog on Twitter. I'm committed to using my pot this week. Looking forward to checking out your site. I've heard many good things about it.
Enjoy Disney!
YAY! Disneyland! I hope you and your family have a wonderful time. Congratulations to ALL of you for committing to this project and following through. It has been quite the adventure.
ReplyDeleteWay to go!
ReplyDeleteHope you leave all these posts up, so some of us can keep browsing :0)
YEAH!!!! you deserve a rest from the kitchen, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteTake many pictures.
BTW, i check the Rachel Ray show about you, but i couldn't see the whole things. only introduction... :(
Thank you for all the wonderful ideas!!!!
Hi Stephanie,
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to find your site. 2 of 4 in our family are GF and I'm thrilled to find such a collection of recipes available.
Have a great trip to Disneyland. We just got back and while we didn't think of crockpotting our way, we did eat in our room with the help of the microwave and Taste of India prepackaged meals. It was cheap and tasted better than the park food. If you eat in the park, skip Blue Bayou, the GF menu from the main gate was out of date. The choices we had were very limited and not that good for the price. (Two of us felt a little sick the next day.) We recommend Rancho del Zocalo in Frontierland, the chef was great about GF issues and it was the best food in the park. Also loved the Dole Whips in Adventureland. Hope you have a lovely time.
Warming up our crock in Wisconsin
Hi Stephanie, So here I've been watching and waiting for you to hit the last day and here you are, already on the way to DisneyWorld! Congratulations on an incredible feat. May you and your blog long benefit from the tenacity required to blog a new recipe every day for an entire year. Be well!
ReplyDeleteGreat weather for it. it's been very chilly here. We're actually going ourselves tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteOh, if you are doing both parks, the new Toy Story ride in Cal Adventues is a must. ;)
Oh, no. You are Cr@zY! :D
ReplyDeleteHave fun!
Have a great time! And, FYI, I took my crockpot and enjoyed a homemade meal every night in the motel room. :-) Congrats on a resolution completed!
ReplyDeleteWow! I am so impressed that you did this whole crockpot resolution!! I really enjoyed following you through your adventures. Can't wait to see what you do next. I'm sure I will keep referring here for great recipe ideas!
ReplyDeleteI hope you're having a great time at Disneyland. Have a safe drive back. I know that drive very well. Gotta love the 5! ;)
Happy New Year!
I'm so glad you're going to continue this blog, if not so devotedly. I count on you for gluten free and crockpotting ideas and of course, your lovely sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteHave a great, relaxing trip.
oh, how fun! i just found your blog today, and i'm excited to look back over the year at your recipes. congrats on achieving your goal. that's quite impressive!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your crockpot dedication in 2008. I've really enjoyed reading your blog and sharing your recipes. :) Enjoy your trip!
ReplyDeleteHappy New year. You certainly enriched my life in 2008 with your crockpot recipes.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Disneyland. It's a favorite of my family./
I just got a Crockpot as a holiday gift, and I happen to have a large beef roast in the feezer, so oh boy, am I glad to find your blog. This is GREAT!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all you've done. So many families are better for this.
ReplyDeleteYou've been given an award...check my blog for details. That is, when you get back from the Magic Kingdom!
Have an amazing time! I've loved the blog...you've worked your tail off!! Any idea it would end up this big? Congrats on a very tasty year and best wishes for an even better 2009.
ReplyDeleteI just got a crockpot and was sent over here for tips and recipes. :)
ReplyDeleteHave fun in Disney! 8 hours isn't so bad...you should see what we do in the summer (http://cookienotestravel.blogspot.com/)
All by car from Canada, too. Yikes!
I miss your recipes already! Thank you for a wonderful year!!!
ReplyDeleteHave fun!
ReplyDeleteOh, love the ears!
Have a great trip! We don't travel with a DVD player, either. Sampling local radio is much more fun.
ReplyDeleteYou deserve it! I have LOVED your blog! Thanks for such a fun experiment!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you earned your vacation!
ReplyDeleteYou, my good friend, are a sheroe...A SHEROE!!!! Hats off to you sister-friend....365 hats!!!
ReplyDeleteYou were born to wear those ears! So darling.
ReplyDeleteGood luck. Eight Hours is not bad. BUT you may re-think the "no to the dvd" later.
Thanks for all of the gluten-free recipes...my mom had to go gluten-free and this is a wonderful resource for her!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I am sure you can stop at any Walmart or Target and get the DVD player once your nerves are shot on the way there!
And now we should ask.... Casey, you have read a blog before checking your email or fav message boards for a year, what will you do now.... uhhhhhhhh HELP ME!!!!!!! I am addicted, I keep checking back hoping you have posted something new. Is there an anonymous meeting being held somewhere??? :)