Ring in the New Year with Black Eyed Peas

 We are only a few days away from a brand new year.

A clean slate.

A new beginning.

a new you!

I have not opened the laptop in about 6 days -- which is a record for me!!

and guess what?

Nothing bad happened! :-)  You are all still here!!

I hope you were able to chillax a bit during this past week. 

I've got 3 great recipes for you today which will not only soak up all the random chocolate floating around your system, but will also actually be quite beneficial in OTHER ways...

And here they are --- :

3 Recipes to get you to EAT BLACK EYED PEAS. 

They bring health, wealth, prosperity, and good luck.

Recipes for Black Eyed Peas in the Slow Cooker

Here are the world's best ways to make black eyed peas so your NEW YEAR is full of ALL THINGS GOOD.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at December 31, 2024

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