Introducing: The Ninja Cooking System

Holy cow, this is an awesome slow cooker.

And I am so excited that I can finally share it with you. I hate keeping secrets, and I've been keeping one (only because I had to sign a big, long, huge, legal document and big, long, huge, legal documents scare me).

Back in April, I got a phone call from a television producer. He was assembling a group to put together an infomercial for a new slow cooker cooking system.

 I was pretty hesitant and skeptical, and initially said no. Although I've spent hours and hours watching infomercials in the middle-of-the night while up with sick kids or newborns, I always just kind of brushed them off.

But Adam told me that I should at least hear him out. Since the product was still in production, the company couldn't let one out of the building for me to test out.

Instead, they flew Adam and me out (to Boston!) to check it out for ourselves. It was the first time we had left all three kids, and while I was skeptical of the upcoming sales pitch, I was kind of excited to have a date night in Boston...

We flew out, had a great meal in Quincy Market, and then headed over to Euro-Pro's headquarters (they are the parent company of the Ninja and Shark products).

I decided to play it cool, and not get my hopes too high.

and then I saw the machine.

I started to get really excited and immediately began opening and closing the pot and started to play around with the features. My voice got kind of squealy and I may have drooled a teensy bit (not quite sure, but it's entirely possible).

And that's when my darling husband squeezed my arm and whispered (hey Steph, it's okay to let them pitch you) and I realized that I needed to be Business Like.

I agreed to be filmed for the Infomercial and was happy to sign on to help promote the new Ninja Cooking System.

The infomercial will begin airing this week (probably in the middle of the night, but also sometimes during the day on random channels) and I can FINALLY tell you how completely and totally awesome this product is.

I personally have used every make and model of slow cooker on the market. In these past 4 years, I've tested and prepared over 1000 slow cooker recipes, and this truly (truly!) is the best cooker I've ever used.

It's perfect.

  • The first thing you will notice is that it has a metal pot. The second thing you will notice is that the dial has a Stove Top and an Oven setting. It's NOT just a slow cooker--- it's a mini oven and a hot plate also.
    This is cool because you can brown your meat, caramelize your onions and garlic, and then switch it over to slow cook all day long. There's no need to drag out a frying pan at 6 am!! 

  • Also, because of this stovetop setting, you can make a sauce reduction or gravy right in the pot after slow-cooking all day. No need to transfer the liquid to a separate pan. Way cool.
  • Just like my "old favorite" pots, this cooker is fully programmable in 30-minute increments for both High and Low settings and will flip automatically to a Warm setting to keep your dinner hot and safe until you arrive home at the end of a long day.
  • The oven setting goes all the way up to 425°, and because the lid traps in all the steam, you can count on really moist meats-- even if you don't have the time to slow cook all day long. I did ribs in 2 hours on the Oven (steam roast) Setting and they fell off the bone-- absolutely perfect ribs.
  • Because of the lid and the trapped steam, you can bake light and moist breads, cakes, and muffins with half the fat or oil. The steam keeps your baked products super-moist, even with gluten free mixes or flours. AWESOME. (no need to do math --- just literally cut the oil or butter in half in your favorite boxed mix or homemade recipe).
  •  The pot has "Triple Fusion Heat"--- because of this, both the sides of the pot and the bottom heat up while in the oven setting. This means you can make things you can't normally make in a slow cooker or even on the stovetop-- like a full spaghetti and meatball meal in just 20 minutes (raw spaghetti, water, jar of sauce, bag of frozen meatballs; all gluten-free is JUST fine, I've tested it out a bunch of times!). The pasta absorbs the liquid from the sauce and the water and cooks without needing to be drained. Love this.
  • Since the pot is metal with a non-stick surface, it really cleans well. In my old stoneware pots I'd need to soak them overnight sometimes, and I'll even add a dryer sheet to release the baked lasagna or stuff like that, but this pot really does wipe out clean. It's also shatter proof, and can be safely loaded the night before in the fridge and placed right into the heating element. This is something that the other slow cooker manufacturers don't recommend.
So there you go! The only drawback I have is that it's more expensive than the other slow cookers on the market. But you have an awful lot more features, and the company has an awesome money-back guarantee. I haven't cooked in any other way than with this machine for the past 4 months, and can absolutely help with any and all questions. I am able to sell them on the site for $199.80, and Ninja has thrown in the travel bag, mini warmer, roasting kit, and baking kit, JUST for you!!
THIS has been updated as of 11/28/12:    The $199.80 price includes the Ninja Cooking System, a silicone trivet, oven mitts (they're pretty cute), an Inspiration Guide, a full color cookbook, free shipping, a 5-year warranty, a roasting rack, a multi-purpose baking pan, a mini warmer, a silicone cakepop pan, and a travel tote-bag. The travel-tote is different than most because it has a velcro "seat-belt" that loops through the handle to secure it in firmly in place, and then the insulated bag.
Also, if you order through my site, I get a bit of a kick-back. I do not get paid a percentage of any other sales through the infomercial or through stores (but boy, wouldn't that be cool?)

I haven't seen the full infomercial yet, just bits and pieces. I'm kind of worried that I come across dorky, but I've been assured that everyone seems dorky in an infomercial.

If you are flipping through the channels and see me, wave at the screen! I was a complete and total nervous wreck, but had so much fun. We filmed for two days, but I think I probably am only in it for a few minutes.

The building we were in was a studio in the outskirts of Boston, and movies like Good Will Hunting (total classic) and Shallow Hal (not so much) were filmed there. There were movie posters lining the hallways, and there were dressing rooms with light-up mirrors -- so cool.

I am going to leave this post "alive" for questions and answers about this new Cooking System.

I've been using it A LOT and am happy to be of help. And? I'm seriously thinking we should have Ninjember! (too much...?)

Thank you so much for all of your support and love. I feel like the luckiest person in the world, and I never would have been able to make a "job" out of goofing around with my slow cookers if it wasn't for you.

I am incredibly grateful. Thank you.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at September 05, 2012

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What they say about this article

  1. That sounds really cool. What is the non-stick coating made of and what type of metal is the insert?

  2. No mention anywhere of what size (capacity) this slow cooker is?

  3. Hi Angela, they are calling it a professional grade nonstick coating-- the same kind you'd get in a high end cookware set. I like how nonstick it really is-- you can literally wipe it clean with a paper towel. The pot is dishwasher safe, the lid needs to be hand washed. I hope this helps!

  4. Does it have a delayed start feature? My husband has been looking for this feature.

  5. Ack! Good question, Lydia! It's a 6-quart. :-)

  6. I'm very happy for you, what a great opportunity!

    Personally, I think it sounds great, all except for the non-stick coating. So sad to hear it includes this.

  7. Wow. Sounds amazing -- sooooo tempted...

  8. Hi Janna,

    No. I haven't come across a pot that does that. The manufacturers worry about food not being in the "safe zone" with delayed starts which is why lamp timers aren't reccomended.

  9. Anonymous9/05/2012

    OMG!! I'd been putting off getting a new crock pot for the longest time. I didn't want to spend all of my time searching, comparing, etc, etc. But I just bought a Ninja - you had me at "metal pot." Stephanie, if you love this cooking system (and I love the name), that's all I needed to hear. I'm entering into a phase where I've been updating and replacing a lot of my kitchen tools and equipment, and I was SOOOOOOO ready for a new crock pot. But I'm really excited because of all the features - this is so much more than a crock pot - almost like a programmable dutch oven, and that's just the beginning.

  10. Hi Stephanie,
    I tried to enter the giveaway and I think my comment was sent to the spam folder. I tried entering a second time and that didn't post either. :( Please check the spam tab for valid entries before you draw a winner. I'm sure it didn't just happen to me!

  11. KZK, thank you for the heads up, I will certainly do that!

  12. Steph, It sounds fabulous! Do you need to adjust your slow cooker recipes for this pot, or do the standard cooking times and hi/lo settings from regular slow cooker recipes apply to this one too?

  13. Hi Lori,
    All the recipes I've tried convert just fine. I haven't had the opportunity to try yogurt yet,though. But when I do I'm going to insert a Pyrex dish.

  14. I know what I'm asking (buying) for myself for Christmas!!! I'm usually turned off by Infomercials because they are usually (in my opinion) products that really more silly than anything else. But THIS sounds awesome. I'm always up for an easier way to cook since I really don't LIKE cooking.

  15. Wooie! You have really inspired me to use my slow cooker when I found your first cookbook at the library. I'd love to win that AMAZING crock pot. Sounds like a dream!

  16. It would be great to know more about that nonstick coating. I generally try to avoid these, but my current insert is so not non-stick!

  17. How's the heat level? I find that slow cookers I've purchased in the last ten years or so cook at a significantly higher temperature than older models, and wish I could find one that's actually a SLOW cooker.

  18. I agree about the new cookers being too hot, but I am more interested in the energy efficency - part of the reason I love my crock is the saving on electricity with a big oven or whatever - does the ninja save on power?

  19. My gosh Stephanie, that is AWESOME!!! I've heard of other types of slow cookers like this, but none that have the types of features this one does! Amazing!!! Crossing my fingers for a WIN! lol

  20. Vanessa9/05/2012

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. OMG... I've broken TWO crock-pot ceramics in the last month even though I'm careful... infuriating! How is the warm level -- is it too hot? My newest crockpot (from 12/2011) was too hot on the keep-warm setting and that really annoyed me. Is the pot thick and heavy? Have you dented it yet, and does that affect the cooking (denting a rice-cooker pot ruins it, very expensive!) I can't wait to have one of these.

  22. Congrats, Steph, you deserve big cool projects and this sounds like one of them. I love the picture of you, too. So happy, so beautiful.


  23. What a great review! This sounds like just the very thing that I need so that I might channel my innard Julia Child that is desperately trying to break through with crock-pot cooking!

  24. Oh, how exciting!! I'm sure you're not dorky, you're so cute when you're on camera, you'll be fine. I love that you can brown right in the pot; I totally ignore recipes that require that. Yay for you!

  25. Hiya Steph, been a long time since you helped me pick out a replacement cooker 4 yrs ago, am so very glad things have gone so well for you, really! Will be watching for you on the tube. Here's hoping your sponsor will be offering you some Ninjas for giveaways, will be watching! Have a great day my friend!

  26. Hi Stephanie! This sounds like an awesome slow cooker! Definitely the ultimate in one-pot cooking! Did you find this slow cooker to cook faster or slower than other slow cookers you've used? Thanks for the great recipes and slow cooker tips!

  27. Congratulations! I'm happy that you were given this opportunity. It sounds like a fabulous cooker. It's a bit pricey compared to other slow cookers, but I guess that is because of all of the features. I look forward to catching your infomercial.

  28. You had me at the first reason, I never brown my meat first because I don't want to dirty another pan nor do it at 6 in the morning.

  29. Mary Huisjen9/05/2012

    Would love to have this awesome crockpot, it looks sturdy & durable, just what I need.

  30. previous comment (question) didn't seem to get posted, so I'll try again. I'm wondering how the Ninja would hold up if the metal pot got banged, dropped, or dented. Does that keep the seal from working? I know we have an expensive rice cooker that had the metal pot get a bump, and with the pot now out of round, the rice will dry out in a few hours where we used to be able to keep it warm and moist for a few days. I'd like to know how well the Ninja pot will hold up before I spend the money.

  31. Hi John,
    I'm sorry about that. Our internet decided to die on me today (gah!) and I was trying to conduct work on Adam's iphone. My fat fingers kept pressing the wrong buttons!

    I don't know. I do know that we were given 2 of these cookers, and the first one has been used almost daily for 3 1/2 months or so, and has been dropped on the porcelain tile a few times by the kids. So far there are no dings or dents.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help---- I can see if the marketing team has tried to destroy a pot insert for you! ;-)

  32. Anonymous9/05/2012

    This looks like the perfect kitchen accessory for busy moms like myself. I really rely on my crockpot but this gives alot more options. Especially like the browning feature.

  33. This sounds amazing! Not having to brown stuff in a separate pan would make so many recipes easier.

  34. Dropping on tile is exactly the sort of abuse I'm talking about. If you can get away with a few drops then I think it will hold up at our house. That said, if you have the time to check with the marketing team, I'd like to know what they say. Thanks!

  35. My current crock pot was recommended by you. I like the pot but the handles really get hot. Do the handles on the Ninja get hot? Also, can you use metal utensils on the special coating? Thank you and congrats!!

  36. Steph!! How fun is that!?! Awesome for you! :)

  37. This sounds AMAZING! I just purchased a NINJA blender and love it. I'm really interested to know more about the spaghetti all in one pot.

  38. Do the slow cocker liners work with this pot?

  39. Vickie, no the outer handles don't get too hot to handle, nor does the lid handle. They do include these cute little pot holders, though, just in case.
    I know which pot you are talking about. This one is NOT like that at all. :-)

    Ellen, I wouldn't use the liners since there is the oven and stovetop setting which gets pretty hot and I worry the plastic would get melty. Also, the cleanup is ridiculously easy--- you really won't need to worry about that anymore.

  40. Do you know the lowest temperature setting for the oven? We are trying to find something that could sub in for a yogurt maker (without having to do it the way you explain with letting it heat up and then wrapping it). So if it happens to go as low as 110 degrees, that would be perfect. I'm not sure something like that exists (besides an actual yogurt maker, of course, but our countertop is too crowded for that.)

  41. Hi JM, the oven settings run from 250 to 425.
    Hmm. I've got to make some yogurt!!

  42. Very cool. I think I need one for Christmas!

  43. I am getting an 'Account Suspended' message when I try to follow your link. If I buy I want you to get something for it. Also the giveaway link is having the same issue...

  44. Hi Lara,
    We killed the site! Give me an hour or two to figure it out with the tech people. GAH! It's always something, huh?!
    and THANK YOU.

  45. Rochelle S.9/06/2012


    Thank you for the great review, I just saw the infomercial today and was quite impressed! I love slow cooking; so this will definetly be an asset in my kitchen and will be on my santa list!

  46. just wanted to say that I love your photo on this post, so cute. I may have read this part but can't seem to find it now, how many quarts is this slowcooker? To enter the giveaway, do you just comment on that page, didn't know if there was any other "rules" to enter?

  47. Hi Angel,
    Thank you! I had the film guy take it to replace the one with me and the dirty socks. ;-)

    The slow cooker is a standard 6-quart size, and no, there are no other "rules" to enter the giveaway, just leave a comment with your email address in the email slot.

    good luck!

  48. Shelley9/06/2012

    Hi Stephanie,

    I have tried to comment multiple times and for some reason nothing is showing. Does anyone know what the non-stick coating is? There is no info on the Ninja website about it. This is information that I think a lot of people would want to know before purchasing.

  49. This slow cooker looks amazing. I want to do more crock pot meals this year and this looks like a good one to cook in. What is the warranty like, and have you had any problems with this crock pot so far?

  50. Hi Shelley,
    I'm sorry. The sites have been having a hard time keeping up with the traffic. The info I have says it's a non-stick cast-aluminum pot.
    It's suggested to use wooden or plastic utensils.

    Valerie, I haven't had any issues to report at all.
    This is the 5-Year Warranty Guarantee from the company:
    Full-service 5 year agreement PLUS FREE shipping and FREE return shipping. If you have any problems with your Ninja® Cooking System in the next 5 years we'll fix it or send you a new one, all for FREE – including shipping both ways! V.I.P. Service Guarantee not valid outside the contiguous U.S.

    hope this helps a bit!

  51. OH MY STARS!!! This seems too good to be true! All in one slow cooker! What? What! Seriously something I need to get my hands on...
    I have another speaking engagement coming up on October 1st in Richmond, about slow cooking... If I could get my hands on one of these before then to try it out... It would be EPIC!!!

    Thrilled for you being able to test this product out... Question- Are there any cons to this slow cooker??? I read all the pros, but since you have been using it for over 3 months, you would know if there are any cons...

    BTW: Love your picture of you hugging the product...

    -Kristin in VA Beach-

  52. Hi Kristen!
    I haven't found a con with the pot. I was hoping for a rubber snap-on lid for the pot for an air-tight storage in the fridge for leftovers or for when I want to load the night before. I've been told they might make one of those, though, for an add-on.

    I also kind of prefer glass lids so I can peek, but understand that the tempered glass didn't hold up so well with the hot heat from the oven setting. That makes sense.

    I think you'd really like it. Please let me know if I can help with your class! xoxo

  53. Hello - here is an unusual question. I mostly make soap in my slow cooker. The normal ones loose their glaze after a while and need to be replaced (I only use cheap cookers now). Would you be able to ask the manufacturers how well the slow cooker coating holds up to alkaline substances? Aluminium and raw soap is an explosive mix. But if the coating is a silicone, rather than Teflon it would be awesome and I'll jump on one of these as soon as they see the light of day in Europe.

  54. Sheila Wyer9/06/2012

    Love your blog and cookbooks..have question re the great looking Ninja. On the Ninja site it says that it comes with a baking pan and a roasting rack thing. Would that be the same if ordered from your site? Thx, Sheila

  55. The roasting rack definitely comes with--- I don't think the baking pan, does, though. I don't even have one of those.
    I'm sorry.
    a loaf pan fits in great, though! I've made a zuchinni loaf, a banana bread, choc cake, and gluten free bread.

  56. AManda9/06/2012

    Oops, I did anonymous first.
    Browining in the pot sounds amazing. TRULY!
    Yucky PTFE in all my slow cooked meals sounds ICK!
    Why didn't they make it with PTFE FREE non-stick or plain stainless? If they had it would be on my christmas list right now.

  57. Anonymous9/07/2012

    Is the ninja dual voltage? I live in Europe right now but think this sounds awesome!

  58. I've seen your informercial twice and you look and sound great!

    I do agree with a couple of the previous posters, that non-stick bothers me too. I like the ceramic crock of my slow cooker or my enameled cast iron.

    I wish that cookware makers would stop making insert pots with a teflon coating, but I guess it's what the majority of people want, huh? I would love it if it were triply aluminum/stainless.

    hmm, that would be cool if they could make a separate insert for those that want it!

    But it looks like a really neat product! Good luck with the promotion

  59. Hi!
    I am dazzled by this!!!
    Any idea on what shipping costs to Canada are?

  60. Grandma Donna9/07/2012

    I just want to tell you that I've been watching your career since the very beginning when my friend told me about your site back in 2008.
    I do not know you, but am so proud of the way you have always handled yourself and the way you put those kids of yours first no matter what success comes your way.
    You must have been raised right, and it really comes across in your books and now on TV.
    I never sleep anymore and watched your commercial 3 times so far. I hope you were paid well. You were the best part.

  61. Carolyn9/07/2012

    Sounds like and awesome cooker! Would love to try it!!

  62. This sounds like an amazing cooker! Thanks for the opportunity to get one!

  63. This is beautiful! I use my slow cooker all the time. I got it about 12 years ago and the only advice I had at the time was "get the biggest there is." I did research... back before the internet was really good for that; and picked out something that's 'small' by today's standards. I love it though, with 4 kids I use it ALL the time.

  64. This looks like a must have! I'm just trying to decide if I can wait for Christmas or not...

  65. Adriana9/09/2012

    Hi! I randomly browse your site when looking for something yummy to slow-cook for my family! I'm 21 but I do most of the cooking around here for my family and saw that infomercial tonight for the Ninja cooker! It is a bit expensive, and I am tight on money due to helping my parents out a lot since y mom has been unemployed, but I'm considering splurging a little and buying this because it really has me sold!!

  66. Ninja Jeff9/09/2012

    S O L D ! !

  67. I'd buy that slow cooker just based on the cuteness of that photo Steph!! You are so adorable and I'd definitely trust any product you back.

  68. I love new, fun kitchen gadgets! looks so amazing!

  69. Stephanie,
    This looks like a great product -- my reservation is like yours; the price is steep. Your descriptions have me eager to get my hands on one.

  70. gracie9/09/2012

    I just watched the infomercial then had to google to find you and I did! This is the same price as the tv said it would be.
    Did you get to meet the ninjas? I think my boys would die if I got to meet real ninjas.

  71. I have been shopping online for a new slow cooker to get next month. Your timing is perfect :)

    In particular, I want a slow cooker that has a timer and switches to "keep warm" after a certain amount of time. I can't tell if the Ninja does that or not from the website. That doesn't seem like a big deal, but I've eaten a number of overcooked chicken and roast dinners when work got the better of me.

  72. Hi Anastasia,
    Yes. this cooker is a fully programmable slow cooker that will allow you choose high or low and then set a timer in 30-minute increments. When the time has elapsed, the cooker automatically switches to a warm setting.

    On a side note, I also want to mention I like this "warm" setting a lot -- because it actually is *warm* and the food no longer continues to cook. A few other pots I've tried continue to have my food simmer even on warm.

    hope this helps, steph

  73. This looks so great and will eliminate other bulky items. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  74. Stephanie,
    Could you give me some deminsions? I've been shopping for a new one since Xmas and was waiting to see the "best" one. I think this fits the bill. Just wondering how it matches up size wize with other pots.

  75. Hi there,

    It's a 6-quart, and these are the measurements I just took with a measuring tape:

    depth 4 inches
    length 11 inches
    width 8 inches

    whole machine, with lid on:
    height 14 inches
    length 19 inches
    width 13 inches

    hope this helps, steph

  76. Oh.



    I'm drooling!! I can NOT wait to learn more about this slow cooker, AND to see your infomercial. This will be the ONLY thing on my Christmas Wish List. My other 13 crock pots will have to move and make some room for this baby!

  77. GRACE R9/15/2012

    I couldn't wait! I ordered it and am delighted by it and all the lovely accessories. I got it yesterday and will use it tomorrow! I cannot wait to try it! We had to go to the Farmers Market today to buy more veggies! yum Roast tomorrow!

  78. watching it right now! you are doing great and the product looks awesome!

  79. Do you think at some point you might develop recipes specifically for the Ninja?

  80. catherine9/17/2012

    I got my Ninja pot over the weekend. I ordered the first day. I love it!

    We've used it twice so far, one for baked bread, and again for your thai curry recipe.
    It cooks very well,and the bread was better than it is in my expensive bread machine and didn't have that sunken bread problem.

    I am very impressed with the look of this thing, and my very picky (and cheap) husband was impressed and announced it can stay on the countertop.

    Im going to get another one for my sister who is on disability. I think this will help keep them from eating out so much, and now she has high blood pressure from the salt in fastfood.

  81. I have a programmable slow cooker now. Came home one evening to find a partially cooked meal. Have you had any issues with this losing power and not restarting? I'm tempted to go old school to avoid the problem but LOVE the auto features.

  82. @4squarebear, I haven't tried to develop any ninja-specific recipes, but have been using it as my primary slow cooker for the last few months. I will start playing more with the other features, too. Good idea. :-)

    @HaleyN, do you mean if your house loses power during an outage does it come back on? No, it does not. All of the new pots have a safety feature that will not allow it to turn back on, since the pots don't know how long the food wasn't at proper temp and it might be unsafe to eat.
    I'm sorry.

    @catherine, I'm happy you're enjoying your new toy! :-)

  83. Can't wait -- after looking at the Ninja cookbook and how they cook pasta in the pot with sauce and water, I was wondering about a way to cook rice in the gravy while making a curry. Thanks, nt

  84. Prudence9/17/2012

    Hi Stephanie - I have tried posting this a few times, hopefully this one makes it through :) I am very excited to buy the Ninja Cooking System but am confused what you get with the order. It appears if I order through you there is a travel bag. If I order directly through their site, I don't get a travel bag but do get a mini crock-pot. They both seem to be the same price and no other differences...can you clarify for me please? I would like to order through you to get the credit, but would really like the little pot!

  85. Hi Prudence, I forwarded your question to my contact. From what I can see on their main site the little pot is an "upsell"-- but I'll confirm and get back to you. My email is steph @ (no spaces)--
    I'm sorry for the confusion, and greatly appreciate you letting me know (and the support!).

  86. Michelle in Vancouver, BC9/18/2012

    Will it be possible to purchase and ship to Canada?

  87. Hi Michelle,

    of course! Please email me at steph @ stephanieodea . com so I can get you the proper shipping information.


  88. this system sounds great, and when i can justify replacing the, uhm, 5 other assorted crocks I have this will be top of my list.. however, I do have a crock question for you.. I'm in need of a small crock for doing overnight oatmeal for hubby (and sometimes myself..) I have a 1.5 qt crock, but it's really too big for the small amount we're cooking so I'm hoping to find a smaller one.. I've seen the 16 oz dippers, which look like they'd be about the right size, but they only seem to have an "off" or "warm" setting and tend to say not to leave on for more then 4 hours.. so, thought maybe I'd come see if you, or any of your readers, had any suggestions. any help/ideas would be great!

  89. Elizabeth9/19/2012

    I had a Hamilton Beach 3 in 1 slow cooker that I ADORED--but it died (after much use, but too little time). It seems like if I try hard I can get another one, but this is intriguing. I did love the three sizes. Are you familiar with that machine?

    Okay, so a question about this one, and if you were already asked, sorry I missed it--can the crock go in the dishwasher? I'm extremely lazy. Thanks!

  90. Just catching up.... So excited for you! And this does sound like a great product. Boston? So jealous!

  91. I got mine yesterday!! and it DID have the little pot in there!

  92. Hi Elizabeth,
    Yes, this pot can go in the dishwasher, although it's recommended to hand wash the lid.

    I know that Ham Beach pot you're talking about--- it was already out of production when I tried to test it for myself, but I though it was an interesting idea. It wasn't programmable, if I'm remembering correctly.

    hi Headless Mom!!

    wow, Janet, *score*!! I don't even have one of those. :-)

  93. I related these comments to Stephanie, who suggested that I relate it to you all as a comment on my experiences with the Ninja cooker I received last week. Here it is, the good (actually great), the bad (kinda) and the ugly (almost):

    I ordered the Ninja from Stephanie's site, which showed a bonus package of a carrying bag, two oven mitts, a counter trivet and two coookbooks. It arrived safely, but when unpacked only one oven mitt was in the box of accessories. Since I have two hands, I thought that couldn't be right. I called the Ninja Customer Service number and they said for that model number the mitts shouldn't have been included anyway, they come separately in a kit which sells for $60! When I explained that I ordered it through Stephanie's website, the customer service lady seemed confused and said I would have to contact Stephanie. I e-mailed her and she said she would look into it for me and get me the other mitt.

    Two hours later another customer service rep from Euro-Pro called me and said that it had been brought to her attention that I had not received two mitts and that I should have with Stephanie's package. But since I did not receive two they would send me the kit that the mitts come in, free of charge. She explained that they aren't packaged separately, but she would send the entire kit of accessories to me free of charge! That was, I thought, excellent customer service and I told this CS rep that.

    The next day, I wanted to try a steam-infused beef roast for my first use of the Ninja. I added the water to the pot as instructed, put the browned meat onto the roasting rack (it really did brown in the same pan!), then cooked it at 350-degrees on the oven setting. My husband is on hemodialysis, which we do at home. While in another room doing his session, and not paying attention to the kitchen, I started smelling yummy smells as this cooked. After about an hour and a half, I smelled a difference in the yummy smells coming from the kitchen and discovered that the water had boiled dry and the bottom of the pot was all black. I added more water, turned down the heat and let it finish, hoping that it wouldn't all taste scorched.

    When served, the meat was very brown on the outside, but tender and juicy on the inside. Did not taste scorched or burnt. While we were eating, I soaked the pot in warm, soapy water and when I cleaned up later it just wiped clean! That was my biggest worry, that I had ruined the pot. I saved the juices left after the second addition of water and then had some very dark brown broth to add to the slow-cooker spaghetti sauce I made yesterday for my first try of the slow cooker setting on the Ninja. Lessons learned here: read the instructions that say how long each cup of water allows you to steam safely; also when using the oven, steam-infused setting do it when you can pay closer attention!

    The spaghetti sauce I made yesterday was super-good, and the addition of the brown broth made it taste even richer. The cooker automatically switched to warm when the timer finished the slow cooking and it didn't continue to cook as my other slow cookers have done when on warm.

    I have to say that my experience with Stephanie and Euro-Pro for this machine has been excellent and I am so glad that Stephanie endorsed this product so enthusiastically. I am not one to buy anything just because it looks good on TV when they are doing the infomercials, but since Stephanie said how much she liked it and why, I had to have it...I believe whatever Steph says on her blog!

  94. Hi Steph,

    Would you know if they have international shipping? Would they ship to Singapore?

  95. Hi Anj,
    Yes, I believe they'd ship if you paid for the postage. I just found out it's a surcharge to Canada of $25. If you email me I can forward it along to the correct person to figure out the charge to Singapore.

    On a side note: we were out to dinner on Saturday and the conversation was all about how wonderful Singapore is! :-)

  96. Anonymous9/24/2012

    Hi Stephanie,

    I watched the infomercial this morning and when I saw it was YOU endorsing the Ninja I knew I could trust it. A few questions though

    When you make the pasta with the water and sauce, does the pasta stick together? When I saw the plopping of the dry spaghetti on tv I felt sure it would cook as one gooey clump. I trust what you said but just want to double check if you had any issues with that.

    For the steam baking do I follow directions for cooking time on the recipe or box? Does it make boxed cake more moist than usual?

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of searing and caramelizing in the same pot you slow cook in. Absolutely genius!

    Thanks! Rose

  97. Hi Thrifty Rose,
    The pasta I used was gluten free pasta, but they cut that part out of the dialogue (also used gf meatballs... ;-) )
    The water has a few drops of oil in it, and I do stir it a few times to keep it from sticking together. The recipe book instructs to stir, too.

    The one-pot pasta is cooked on the Oven setting, not the stovetop setting. This creates heat from the side and from the bottom of the pot, which fully cooks the pasta without needing to drain the water.

    For the baked goods, so far I've baked according to whatever recipe I'm using (banana bread, carrot cake, etc. (I use a loaf pan)) and simply reduce the oil or butter by half. The oven setting goes all the way up to 425, so I use it like a mini oven.

    I hope this helps a bit!

  98. Hello Stephanie,
    I just ordered yesterday mine, and look forward to receiving it. By the way what is the difference between the models MC700 and MC702 ?


  99. Hi Akemi,
    I'm not sure. I think it's an internal way of diffentiating between the different add-on packages.

  100. I wish I could edit in the Blogger platform...
    "diffeRentiating" :-)
    and I STILL get a red squigly line! LOL.
    enjoy your new toy!!

  101. I received my Ninja cooker system! I'm always leery about new products... claims are made, reviews can be mixed. I spend a lot of time researching products before I spend my money.
    Stephanie helped me a lot with her review of the Ninja. I read it several times and finally said "yes". The first thing I did was choose the OVEN feature to bake a potato (I love them). I chose the temperature and the cooking time. Well, I learned that I had to add 5 or 10 more minutes of cooking to make the potato tasty. I look forward now to learn about slow cooking. I'm 80 years old and retired. Future meals are going to be a LOT BETTER! Thanks, Steph

  102. I just watched this informercial this morning!! I love my ninja blender and my peek interested when I heard gluten free!! I googled ninja crock pot and saw it on here!!! AMAZING! Are all you recipes able to be adapted to this machine?

  103. Anonymous9/29/2012

    So, I am watching TV on a lazy Saturday morning and ran across the Ninja Cooking System infomercial. Looks cool but I'm skeptical as usual about informercial products so I check the internet for reviews. Here you are raving about it and that's a good enough review for me!

  104. Hello Steph!

    I'll be honest in that I am new to slow cooking, but desperate to find a way to have easy home cooked meals after the end of a long work day. This Ninja cooker seems that it could be the answer!

    Can you tell me more about the programmable timer? Specifically, what's the maximum amount of time allowed? From various sites I have visited, it seems to be only 6 hours. If so, do you find that limiting? Please advise.

    Also, when roasting a chicken (or other item), do you find the skin is truly browned? It was difficult to tell from the infomercial, but is seemed that perhaps it really did not give the skin a good browning.

    Thank you and keep up the great work!!! : )

  105. @kccounselor,

    The programmable timer is for the slow cook setting and it goes up to 12 hours (in 30-min increments), then will automatically switch over to a warm setting for an additional 12 hours, if needed. After these 12 hours on warm, there is an auto-shutoff for safety.

    As for the chicken, I'm a weirdo and skin my chickens before slow cooking, but if you like skin, then yes, it will naturally brown on it's own in the slow cooker after being cooked, but you can also brown it on the stovetop or oven setting (I brown on the oven setting, and then push the chicken into the corner for lots of color) before or after slow cooking if you desire more color/texture.
    It will not look boiled---I promise. :-)
    there is color, although not as much color as you'd get if roasting in an oven or on the barbecue.

    I hope this helps a bit. here are some slow cooker chicken recipes to show how I handle whole chickens in the crock--
    easy slow cooker chicken; the first I did in 2008
    herb garden chicken
    lemon and rosemary roasted chicken
    rotisserie-style chicken; this one has gone nuts on pinterest
    summer tomato chicken

    I hope this helps a bit!

  106. Tiffany S.10/02/2012

    Hello, I just wanted to report that I ordered my Cooking System through your site after watching the infomercial because I liked the idea of giving you some extra support since I remembered you from being pregnant on Good Morning America.
    congratulations to you!
    I want your readers to know that the mini pot came along as a surprise to me. thank you for that.
    blessings to you and your family, Tiffany in Ohio

  107. Hello Stephanie, I just ordered The Ninja Cooking System yesterday. I didn't just order one, I ordered TWO. My daughter is getting married in January 2013, and I thought this would be a wonderful gift.

    I am looking forward to cooking with this. I love cooking in a slow cooker, and I'm ready to go through the cookbook and see what recipe will be first!

    Thank you!

  108. Anonymous10/13/2012

    Hi, Stephanie, I have the Ninja Cooker and I love it! Everything comes out great, though I haven't tried baking any cakes or anything else with the Ninja. The steam thing for baking kind of freaks me out...what about the steam condensation (water) on the inside of the lid, dripping onto the dough/batter? Even if I never use the Ninja for baking, it's almost paid for itself in terms of not throwing out food that was burned or just didn't taste good enough to keep for leftovers. Since I've pretty much replaced my oven with the Ninja, there have not been ANY leftovers. It's just me and my husband at home now, but we use the Ninja 3-4 times a week and are working on increasing the usage. Very, very pleased over all. The only thing I wish I could do, is get another insert so that I don't have to take the one out all the time and wash it for another recipe.

  109. KelleyM10/14/2012

    Hi Stephanie,
    As you have been doing your recipe blog longer than you've had the Ninja, will you be posting new ones that speak specifically on how to make them in it? For example, your meatloaf recipe talks of putting a pan in a crock pot with no need for water, but the Ninja system is all about steam cooking. Or can I cook something like that in the Ninja without the water as well? Thank you!

  110. Hi, do you think I can replace my rice cooker with this system? Saw part of infomercial at my dentist's office, but only saw pasta being cooked, no rice or any other starch. Can you let me know? Thanks much.


  111. My husband bought me one for my birthday last week! I'm going to be cooking their sweet potato stew for dinner tomorrow. Can't wait to try it out!

  112. Got a crazy question... Can you deep fry in this appliance? I have a chef's pot from the 80's that is about to die that has a removable crock insert. I love that appliance because you could set the temperature to a specific temp-- not just low or high.

  113. @RY, it won't replace your rice cooker. You can make rice, quinoa, and other grains in it, but I really don't think I'd get rid of my rice cooker.

    @Asia, no, it's not designed to be a deep fryer. The temp goes up to 425 in the oven setting and my understanding is that deep fryers go much higher than that.

  114. Just watched the infomercial. It was on for at least a half hour. Would love to get it and do some cooking in it. I have an electric oven and baking in it is ridiculous. Cakes come out flat and dense. Plus, I want to cook healthier.

  115. Hi Stephanie,
    When you make your gluten free bread in the ninja do you use the slow cooker setting? Do you put the bread pan right on the bottom of the insert or up on the rack? Do you think steam baking would work?
    I am anxious to try GF bread in my Ninja and would appreciate any advice you could give me.

  116. Hi Nancy,
    I haven't steam baked, just regular baked in it--- I used a bag of Pamela's and put the loaf pan directly into it and cooked it on the oven setting. I need to get more bread mix because I, too, am eager to test out the steam baking with bread!

    I have steam baked a coffee cake, a few banana breads, and a baked oatmeal. They were moist and bouncy.

  117. Fwiw, I just got a Bed Bath & Beyond flier today, and they have the Ninja slow cooker on sale for $159. :) In case anyone's in the market for one.

  118. Got my Ninja and so far I LOVE it, made the easy spaghetti last night,the fam loved it and apparently it was even great as leftovers today !
    I have a roast in there now and it smells awesome.
    I would love to get the cookbook for this but I can only find it on the site and I am in Canada, anyone know if it can be bought anywhere else??

  119. Hi Donnalee, I'm so happy you are enjoying your new toy! ;-)
    I haven't seen or heard about the cookbook being available in stores, but here is the 800 number for ordering from the company: 800-618-6260

  120. I've seen several positive comments that this cooker does not continue to simmer on the warm setting. What I'd like to know is if the LOW setting really cooks at a low temp. I want to replace my large non-programmable crockpot because I found when I made stock that the soup would bubble too much on LOW rather than stay at a true simmer. Also, a recent attempt at making salted caramel pear butter showed that it not only cooked too hot but very unevenly: it left a 3-inch circle of stuff crusted and burned on one end of the oval cooker. The best reviews I've seen for not overcooking on low are for what you previously recommended as your favorite slow cooker, the Crock-Pot eLume. However, I'm hesitating to buy that because I've also seen reviews saying it gets rather hot on the outside. I also love the idea of a slow cooker that comes with a probe and switches to warm when meat reaches a certain temperature. However, your review of the Hamilton Beach Set 'n Forget does not indicate if it gets too hot on low nor whether it cooks as evenly as the eLume. How does the low setting on this Ninja cooker system compare to the eLume's? Are there any other large slow cookers out there that you would recommend as not cooking too hot?

  121. Hi Deb,
    These are great questions. I have to quickly point out, though, that I've never used the cooking probe, so I can't accurately answer that part of your question.

    If I had to choose between the eLume and the Ham Beach set n forget, I'd go with the Set n Forget. The eLume handles are too small for it to move safely when it's hot, and yes, the outside does get hot on all of the pots. You don't need oven mitts to move the Ninja or the Set n' Forget.

    If I had to choose between the set n' forget or the Ninja, I'd choose the Ninja.

    I have not had any simmering/boiling on warm in either pot. The low setting will eventually get hot enough to simmer on both pots, it just takes longer to get to that point than it does on the high setting.

    The cooking is nicely even in both pots, but you can do a lot more in the Ninja. I'm actually surprised at how often I use the stovetop setting to reheat leftovers; I didn't know I wanted that feature until it was handed to me!

    I hope this helps a bit!
    have a great day, steph

  122. Thanks for your review, I am really thinking about this!

    Question for you: I currently own a 4-quart slow cooker, which works out well for me in terms of size. I am just cooking for two people. Of course leftovers are great to put in the freezer like chili and stews. Do you think this 6-quart size is too big for just two people?

  123. Hi Carla,

    I don't really know. My mom has a new Ninja, and she's just cooking for her and my dad, and loves it. The 4-quart is probably large enough for your nightly soups/stews/roasts, but the Ninja can also be used to stir-fry with the stove setting, or steam roast or bake with the oven features.
    It's neat that you have so many options in just one pot, but it's definitely a judgement call that I probably can't accurately advise you on.

    We made a chocolate loaf cake in it last night --- just a small one, and I threw in a banana and some super-finely shredded zucchini, but since the base was a choc cake nobody noticed. :-)

  124. Anonymous12/18/2012

    Hi steph

    I just got my ninja which I ordered through your site. all those extras are great! Now I need to learn to use it and most recipes in the cookbook are not gluten free. I know I can use the slow cooker feature and your recipes but what do you recommend for steam roasting and baking? Do the gf mixes cook well in the ninja?

  125. Alisa Fleming turned me onto your site and I'm thrilled. I am really getting into using my slow cooker as it helps warm up the house in the winter. Although, I am wondering about the non-stick surface. Are you finding much wear and tear on it?

  126. I ordered mine via your link and it arrived yesterday. The travel bag and cook book are on back order but I was told today that the cook book is now in and will be shipping soon! I am trying to decide what to make first. Have you tried doing a spaghetti meal that cooked for the day? I also wanted to use fresh meat balls and not frozen. Also making my own sauce from scratch. Thoughs on this please, Stephanie?

  127. I recieved the Ninja Cooking System as a Cristmas gift, and I have not stopped using it! This is certainly no 'glorified crock pot', this is the greatest small kitchen appliance on the market as far as I am concerned. I can steam my potatoes while cooking my roast and veggies all at the same time. Plus I make the gravy for the potatoes in the unit after taking my dinner out. It's great! The price one pays to have this great little appliance is dang well worth it. Had I known how great it was, I would have bought one for myself when it first hit the market. You won't be sorry you invested in this product. I'm am wondering how much my electric bill will go down now since I have not been using my electric stove or oven :)

  128. Steph,
    Thanks for turning us on to the Ninja... I got mine for Christmas and I have literally used it every day since then, sometimes more than once.

    I have to say though that the cookbook sucks. First of all, the index is useless. I will NEVER find spaghetti under "easy", and good luck finding almost any recipe for a specific ingredient (like eggs). :-( And so many of the recipes are NOT easy... their upside-down mac and cheese is delicious (and gluten-free with g-f cornbread crumbs) but it felt like 20 steps and hours of stirring, LOL You have made us lazy!! OK, I was born lazy, more or less.

    The upshot is that (a) I am ready for YOUR gluten-free Ninja cookbook (I don't even care if some of the recipes are Ninja-fied retreads from here) and (b) I've come pretty close to putting the cookbook away and just making stuff up every time. It's worked out so far!!

    Final comment.. I am ready to spend $100 more than the price of the regular one on the mega-Ninja system. I don't care if it comes with all the accessories, but I want it to have a 10-12 quart capacity. The Ninja IS smaller than each of my two big crockpots, and as I am often cooking for 12 people plus leftovers, this is a problem. On crowd nights, the Ninja's only good for making sides. For instance, right now, I've got going:
    6.5 qt chicken chili
    6.5 qt beef chili
    4 qt vegetarian chili
    Tomorrow, I will make 6 cups of basmati rice in the rice cooker and I will probably make two pounds of gluten-free pasta in the Ninja (wish me luck, their instructions are only for one pound!) LOL We will only end up with 6 servings of chili left (my guess), 2 or maybe 3 cups of rice, and likely no noodles at all, depending on how much bread and dessert people bring.

    Still, all in all, I love the Ninja and we're using it constantly. I hope it lasts five years though I have a few doubts about that. We shall see. Hope they stick to their guarantee!

  129. Thank you for this feedback, JewelyaZ--- I really appreciate you taking the time to write. I'll pass it along, today. :-) xoxo

  130. Have you compared this to the nuwave or flavor wave style ovens? I know they are different but I can only buy one, do you have any recommendations which you like better?

  131. Brian, We have had our Nuwave for over a year and we use it all the time. Much quicker and more energy efficient than heating up the conventional oven. We recently (2 weeks) bought the Ninja cooking system at Kohl's department store. we had a coupon and purchased it for under $120. So far it is great! It is hard to recommend one over the other. they are both useful in different ways. Since you have an oven, I would probably recommend the Ninja over the Nuwave but both are great to have. We made a few Ninja recipe videos on youtube if your interested. Check them out here. We plan on adding a new recipe each and every week,feel free to subscribe. Some will be from the book, others are just made up. Thanks.

  132. I am really loving the idea of this cooker! However, their website says you have to wait one hour before transporting in the travel bag to allow cooling time for the oven. I have never had to wait with my other travel bags/crock pots. But of course, I got them at the thrift store, so they were without manuals. Have I been doing it wrong, or are some travel bags different because of the higher heat of the ninja? I do not have one hour to wait most times.

  133. I just ordered my Ninja this morning. I can't wait for it to come in.

  134. I am using my Ninja 3 in 1 cooking system as a slow cooker for the first time today. The recipe calls for cooking on High for 7-8 hours. ( Beef short ribs in Cabernet Sauce). The Ninja immediately brought the food to a hard boil. I turned it to Low. It is still bubbling (slow boil) and looks ready to eat. The Ninja help line said "it is supposed to" do that. I find it hard to believe that anything needs to be at a hard boil for 7 hours. Any help please?

  135. Hi Julie, are you on the slow cook setting and not the stovetop setting? I haven't had anything boil on me when it's on the slow cook setting.
    email me directly at contact @ and I'll see what I can do.

  136. These are great slow cookers. I hope they will make them in other colors other than black and stainless steel. I am think retro red!

  137. I just got mine today from fingerhut so I didn't get all the extra goodies. I am so excited to try it out next week. I have a pork recipe that would be perfect with it.

    Ninja is good brand, we've got the pro blender. Killer machine.

    I am so glad you recommended it, it's going to go travel with us in our motorhome as well as home.

  138. I LOVE MY NINJA COOKING SYSTEM! I purchased mine at BJ's (like SamsClub or Costco). Actually, my husband purchased it. He thought it was going to be one of those things I had to have and use it once in a while then store it forever... NOT the case. We love the Ninja. It has proven to be the best thing we have purchased. I use it at least a couple times a week. The food comes out great. I love being able to 'stovetop' cook the onions, etc. then add the remainder of the recipe ingredients to the same pot. I slow cooked a roast, when it was done I removed the roast and then I made gravy in the pot. I took the gravy out and then I made scalloped potatoes (from a box mix) in the pot and then, we had dinner and THEN ONLY ONE POT TO WASH! I do use nylon or wood utensils, only have used the immersion blender with care to not scratch the cooking surface. I love trying new recipes and taking twists on old favorites. Well worth the money. Love the product.

  139. Is the infomercial online somewhere? If so could you post a link to it? Thanks! (I already bought a Ninja through this site but would like to see the infomercial if it is still around.)

  140. Hi Mod, Sure thing. It's on You Tube, and the link is right here:
    Ninja Cooking System Whole Infomercial

    I hope you're enjoying your Ninja!!

  141. Hi, Stephanie, I ordered my Ninja from your site and just received it today. Thank you so much for all the extra goodies! There were so many boxes to open - even my husband was impressed! Anyway, a quick question. I noticed the vent hole. When slow cooking all day while at work, won't all the liquid evaporate?

  142. Hi Eunique, oh, yay! I think you're really going to enjoy this cooker! No, the vent hole works properly and your food while slowcooking will retain lots of juice and moisture.
    I initially worried about the vent, too, but it hasn't been an issue at all for me with this pot.

    have fun!!

  143. So this special is still going on? I just now discovered the Ninja 3-n-1 and I am super pumped! I love that it comes with so many extras! If this special is still going, how long will it be available?

  144. Hi Cherrie, yes! Ninja is still allowing this package through my site. I think you'll really like this system!

  145. I loved the system until last night. I was looking for a "start delay" mode so I could slow cook (on low) some "mixed", dried, previously soaked, beans, overnight. I couldn't find one so I set the timer for 6 hours. To my dismay, they were mush in the morning. I failed to notice that the system switches to "warm" after the timer runs down. I'm extremely frustrated that there is no "time-delay" or shut off... It means I cannot properly utilize it overnight or while I'm away from the house. Other than purchasing a timer for the outlet, from the local hardware store, is there anything that can be done? Am I missing something? I'd love to keep this system but can't afford one that I have to "babysit". Thank you.

  146. @journeytemple...
    It is my understanding that slow cookers etc. can't employ start delay due to the possible food contamination thing. I agree it is frustrating.

  147. Have you done a turkey in this yet? I've got a 12lb young turkey in mine. Of course the lid didn't fit all the way, so I put tin foil around to "seal" it, then topped it with a towel. It smells wonderful, but doesn't have that oven golden glow. I baked her at 375 for 4 hours. So far she is resting to be cool enough to handle. I can already see she is falling apart, so tender is checked off.

  148. How I love my Ninja! You can prepare the entire meal in this pot, take the food cold to a party, heat it there and then use the buffet setting ! No more bubbling on low when slow cooking! AND the book really includes all the needed tips to use it well. My beloved crockpots have been retires and I now have to learn to say "slow cooker". My electric pressure cooker does most of the same things, but is too heavy to be portable.... Those huge handles are sooooo safe and I can really lift the full pan out! Glad you are offering the silicone trivet. It is very well made and can be used for many other pans. About time they made something cooks really needed and asked for!... (cooks---- hear me ---- no more bubbling on low settings!!!!! ) LOL!

  149. PS..... I have a Nuwave, too! Not at all the same as the Ninja. It is great... I use both all the time. My NuWave "AIR FRIES" ! I need that on my diet. But the baking is iffy. The Ninja is a crock pot on Steroids. The NuWave broils, browns and convection cooks. The Ninja just might last for years!

  150. Hi,just wanted to say how much I love your blog and I am also a lover of crockpot recipes..And I just got a ninja slow cooker for Christmas!Can't wait to try some new recipes in it!

  151. I keep overcookig stuff?? Does not cook the same as a crockpot!

  152. I was about ready to buy one and then I read in a comment on Amazon that it's made of lead. Is that true? Someone said it says on the bottom of the insert to wash hands after use. That's a scary thought but maybe it's not even true? Do you know?

  153. Hi grandma honey, I'm glad you wrote in. The pots do not contain lead. The disclaimer at the bottom is in compliance with California's prop 65 and it pertains to the materials in the electrical cord.

    I hope this helps a bit! Happy Friday, steph

  154. Hi! Do you have any easy (newbie here) one pot type of chicken recipes you have loved in the Ninja? So far just tried chicken/rice/broccoli, but would love to try one with a sauce or something with some more flavor. I know you have tons of recipes to go through; so excited to try! Just didn't know if you have a fave! Thanks for the post!

  155. Could you tell me what is the model number of the cooker ordered from your site? There seems to be a few versions on the market. Thanks.

  156. Hi Donni, great question! The package is for the newest model released, and the number on the bottom of the newest one I received from the company (Feb 2015) says MC701 W .

    I hope this helps! (I do know that the company ships directly through this link -- it's not from a middle man).

  157. Hi Stephanie, I had this cooking system and I loved it but with one significant issue. The non stick coating scratches over time not using metal...using only their plastic spatula. Since you the chemicals in the non stick leach out after being scratched you have to replace the insert. So I did and 3 months later the scratches were everywhere again. We were careful to only use their spatula. This was very disappointing. Did you ever experience your surface scratching? If so what did you do about it?

    Thank you!

  158. I saw your email concerning amazon prime day and the special price for the ninja cooking system. I also read your review on the product and noticed you said there were extra things that came with this product if it was bought from your site. Do I receive the extra things left me the cookbook pot holders etc you mentioned if I buy it from amazon today or just from your site? I think I would like the extra things too so I wanted to check before I bought it. Thank you!
