Orange Glazed Beets CrockPot Recipe

Beets. This is a recipe for beets.
I know.

I'm sorry.

the good news is that I've got Brussels Sprouts on the way!

ha! :-)

The Ingredients.
serves 6

4 medium beets, peeled and sliced in 1/4-inch slices
1/4 cup butter
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon orange zest
1/4 cup orange juice

The Directions.

Use a 4-quart slow cooker. 

Put on very old clothes, and then put on an apron---beets stain, TERRIBLY! 

If you've got a white countertop, consider putting down a layer of newspaper or paper bags while you're peeling.

Peel and slice the beets, and put them into your cooker. 

Add butter, brown sugar, orange zest, and orange juice. 

Toss with spoons to distribute the zest and sugar. Don't worry that your butter is still in a clump.

Cover and cook on low for 5 hours, or on high for 2 to 3. 

The beets are done when they have reached desired tenderness. 

You want a fork to insert easily, and the beets to be able to be cut with the edge of a fork.

The Verdict.

I am not a beet person. 

Someone in the house (whose name rhymes with Zadam), really likes beets, and gets excited when he gets them at a restaurant---

either cooked, or the jelled kind from a can in a salad (the jelled kind reminds me of a blood clot).

You're welcome.


Anyhow, even though I'm not a beet person, I actually really enjoyed the flavor and texture. 

They were sweet and kind of earthy. 

I ate a few, but they were mostly devoured by the other grownup in the house. 

I ruined the chance of the kids even being in the same room while we were eating them because of my blood clot comment.


other stuff with beets:

that's it! I'm no Dwight Schrute...

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at October 26, 2010

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What they say about this article

  1. I LOVE beets, but prepping them scares me!

  2. Thank you! We get tons of beets with our farm share, and I was running out of ideas.

  3. Anonymous10/26/2010

    I'm with Adam (or Zadam?)....I LOOOOOOVE me some beets! I never thought about cooking them in the slow cooker, which is actually a fantastic idea, because I got some at the farmers market this past weekend that were like the size of my head and they took, literally, 2 hours of roasting in the oven to get done. Maybe you could even just cook them in the slow cooker whole and unpeeled....just to avoid having the oven on so long. Then you can still do the cool thing where the skins slide right off instead of peeling them. That's my favorite part! I'm weird. Did you use white stoneware for this? I'm just curious if it would stain.

  4. yeah....the blood clot image made me throw up a little in my mouth....

    This recipe, however, made my mouth water. I LOVE beets! I usually prefer them pickled, but I think this sweet version sounds great! I may have to do a practice batch before Thanksgiving. :)

    Oh, and I adore brussel sprouts even MORE than beets, so you've got me excited! ;-)

  5. I love beets - I can't wait to try this! I also love brussel sprouts - can't wait to see that recipe!

  6. I love beets!! A bit messy preparing them, of course.

    I was looking for a new way to cook them, thanks!

  7. Ugh, I remember HOURS of sitting at the table after dinner with a plate with (cold) beets on them. I don't know if my mom did anything to them, but we grew them in the garden and I liked to pull them but then the fun was over. I had to eat them.

    But they are supposed to be good for you!! :)

    Actually, I'm looking forward to your brussels sprouts recipe. I recently found a recipe I like on allrecipes with horseradish(I use Burger King's Zesty sauce) and carrots. It could probably be a good crockpot recipe but you'd have to sprinkle the toasted bread crumbs on it after you'd dish it up.

  8. We love beets around here and grow them in our garden every year. I'll be sure to try this!

  9. This sounds fantastic. I'm the only one in the household who likes beets, so maybe I'll save this for a potluck or something. The mess makes it too much work for just one person.

    Hee, you really don't like beets, do you? I'm not sure how one would jelly a beet, but the item you're talking about is merely pickled in its own juices.

  10. Nikki, really? They always look so limp and gelatinous..

  11. I always blanch my beets, then plunge them in a bowl of ice water. the skins then just slip off. The only way I will eat beets is my mom's chilled pickled beets. I not sure about hot beets. I wonder how they would taste chilled.

    I am up for a brussel sprouts recipe. I am also intrigued about the horseradish and carrots.

  12. YUMM! thanks for the great recipe. for some reason my husband always hated beets. his mom usually served the sliced and commercially canned ones. i usually cut mine into chunks, now he likes them. go figure.

  13. I actually like beets a lot, but I think I am going to have a hard time getting that blood clot analogy out of my mind. :)

  14. Ooooh, never take the time to peel and slice beets. Time intensive and messy too. Scrub them, cut off the ends, and put in your steamer for 25 minutes. The skins will slide off (love that part) and then you can slice easily. Then put them in the crock pot, and lessen the cooking time. Saves time all around. Delicious recipe.

  15. The clotty beets you describe are Harvard beets. They are NOT the same as the beets in vinegar alone. Harvard beets have cornstarch and sugar added to the vinegar, and the sauce is cooked until thick (clotty). Then they are served cold. Yuck. The crock pot beets are much better, as are the ones in vinegar alone.

  16. Anonymous10/26/2010

    In Australia we get them in tins, pickled in vinegar, like pickled onions. Aussie burgers have beetroot on them.We always reckoned our daughter would bleed beetroot juice if she got cut. Anyway.... like the sound of this. Might have to buy some fresh and try this. Sounds yummy

  17. I love beets and am really excited to see a crock recipe for beets!
    The clot image was...unfortunate. It will be hard to erase that association. I couldn't eat provolone, formerly a favorite cheese, for years after someone (I'm looking at you, Mike G.) said to me, "What? You love provolone too? I mean REAL provolone? The kind that tastes like FEET?"
    (Sure, you're laughing now. Wait til the next time you try to eat provolone.)

  18. I've never had (or seen) Harvard beets, so I had no clue how you were associating beets with a blood clot! LOL I love beets and will eat them til I poop pink (another great image for you!) I usually make them à la Alton Brown (pickled with onions) but this sounds wonderful!

  19. christal10/26/2010

    ok, ok, since you're talking about the unfortunate blood clot imagery, the least you could have done was serve them on the fish platter... :) it does sound like a good recipe!

  20. Ma Field10/27/2010

    OMG you made me laugh out loud today. And an awesome brussels sprouts recipe. EPIC BONUS
    We are trying to like beets and maybe this'll do it, but I'm kinda with you on the clot thing...

  21. Anonymous10/27/2010

    At our house, the only thing beets are good for are making shrunken heads. Love making those for Halloween.

    But my in-laws like beets... and my parents like beets... maybe I could share this with them... hhhmmm.

  22. I am making this even now, the orange zest smells great. HOW TO GET AROUND THE BLOOD CLOT ISSUE: I made this today with yellow beets from the farmers' market. I put them in the cooker, came back from errands, & they were black! I used a wooden spoon to stir them & all the under layers were yellow. So no on the blood, but yes on very mottled. I guess they're like certain heirloom potatoes that are pastel when you cut into them, but turn color when you cook them. I have a 10 year old boy & laughed hugely at how you turned your kids off with your comment. They love gross you out but they don't like it the other way around. So.

  23. I have a picture of those yellow/black beets if you want it.

  24. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

  25. Anonymous10/31/2010

    I'm so lucky. I love ALL vegetables... except lima beans.
    Okay if you have a recipe for lima beans, I might try them. I'm so proud of myself, today I had all three of my crocks goin...

  26. Amelia Knapp11/01/2010

    I discovered that beets are excellent with honey and pistaschios. I had them that way in Seattle on a business trip and my boss and I enjoyed them so much we went back to the restaurant just to have them again!

  27. Anonymous11/15/2010

    I just have to say, not really a fan of beets. So this recipe may not make it into my house (or maybe it will.. You never know..) Anyway, what I was trying to say is I VERY MUCH enjoy reading all of these recipes cause they are just SO funny! I work in a lab at a hospital and I find myself laughing out loud.. to myself.. thank you for making me that weird girl at work. Haha! ;)

  28. Ok, you need to have a spew warning on this post! Fortunately, I had already finished my coffee before reading.

    BTW, I LOVE beets...even if they look like a blood clot. ;)
