What I've Been Slow Cooking

I have been slow cooking.


Baby #3 is due to arrive this upcoming January, and we all couldn't be more thrilled.

Now that the all-day-every-single-day-why-won't-it-let-up-seriously-why-won't-it sickness has practically subsided life can get back to normal around here.

I should have put the word normal in quotes.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at June 29, 2009

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  1. Congratulations! I can't wait to see the slow cooked baby food for the new member of the family! I've enjoyed your blog oh so much and wish you the best of luck!!

  2. Congratulations!! :)

  3. I'm glad the slow-cooking skills have been put to good use during this time of not-wanting-to-think-about-food! Congrats!

  4. Anonymous6/29/2009


  5. Congratulations~ the best thing to slow cook of all!

  6. awww... congratulations! I hope you feel better soon.

  7. Congratulations...any ideas on freezer meals you can throw in the crock...I have #3 coming in about a month and need to get a few meals prepared since I am going to be exhausted ;)

  8. Congratulations! I hope feel better soon.

  9. Yay!!! Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations!!!!!

  11. Congrats! I hope you have a healthy and easy pregnancy!

  12. thanks, guys! Kellie, yes! I plan on doing a post about it at some point, but for the time being, prepare some meals "the lazy way."

    You can put your desired meat in a zippered plastic bag with your favorite sauce: pasta sauce, bbq sauce, those Lawry or similar marinades, a packet of onion soup mix, etc. Freeze in the bags, then in the morning, thaw a bit under some running water, and plop into a crock. You usually won't need to add any extra moisture, unless your slow cooker is huge and it isn't very full. Then serve the meat over rice or pasta.

    You can also make full-meals-in-a-bag by putting in the ingredients for your favorite chili, stew, or soups in a plastic bag, along with all spices, chopped veggies, etc. In the morning, thaw a bit, and add broth or water according to the recipe directions.

    I have had better luck with a baby freezer stash by making the meals this way, than I do when the food is already cooked and then frozen. If you do decide to precook some food, it's better to heat it again on the stovetop, in the oven, or in the microwave than in the crock.

    congratulations! feel free to email me if you have other questions.
    xoxo steph

  13. Anonymous6/29/2009

    Congrats!! :)

  14. congrats! Zofran has been my best friend lately...highly recommend it if your sickness keeps up. hope you feel better soon!

  15. Congrats! That is so wonderful! Thanks for sharing the news with us. I'm glad your morning sickness is subsiding. Mine lasted all the way through all five pregnancies!

    I can't wait to get your book, btw!

  16. Congratulations Stephanie!

  17. Oh congrats!!!!!!!!

  18. Congratulations! That's awesome news!

  19. How cute. I definitely would not have guessed that was where this post was heading. But I guess that is definitely the epitome of slow cooking. :-) And we all know that mamas always want to "just eat up" their little creations. :-)

  20. Anonymous6/29/2009

    omg yay! congrats!!!!

  21. Anonymous6/29/2009

    Congratulations! Baby food in the slow cooker?

  22. Congratulations!!!!!

  23. Congratulations!

  24. Anonymous6/29/2009

    Congratulations girl!!! That's awesome! And I experienced the morning sickness too. YUCKY. It's a wonder I went on to have three more kids after the first one... I was sick for 8 1/2 months with him... right up until he came out! I weighed less when I gave birth to him than I did when I got pregnant!
    Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy from here on out!!

  25. Congratulations! I love reading happy news on Mondays. Best wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy.

  26. congrats! you are an inspiration to me and my kitchen! My slow-cooker has never worked so hard in it's life!

  27. Congrats! You've got your own slow cookin' goin' on!

    I have to tell you that I have made your BBQ pulled pork recipe so many times it's riduculous. The last time was this weekend for a huge party my daughter & SIL had at their house. 60 very hungry guests, many of whom had participated in the Philadelphia Triathalon earlier in the day. RAVE reviews for the pork, and many requests for the recipe. I make sure that when I give out the recipe, I also include a link to your site. BTW, I add a teasp of liquid smoke to the mix -- REALLY makes it taste like it's been BBQed, and not crocked.

  28. Wow, congratulations! Glad to hear you're feeling better now!

  29. congratulations. The only thing I could eat with my 4 kids for the first few months was watermelon! no cooking there.

  30. Congratulations on baby 3! That is exciting news. :) ~~Rhonda

  31. Super congratulations. Props to you for not being intimidated by being outnumbered by your progeny! I'm still trying to convince my husband that zone defense isn't that hard...

  32. Congratulations! I've found that most crockpot meals freeze well too. :)

  33. I could not be happier for you! We had our second baby in April. I am so grateful I discovered your Slow Cooking blog in December. It got me through my pregnancy because I could make meals when I had the energy and and then put them in the slow cooker at the right time and now "you" are helping my family transition as I return to work. We do your daily 7 every day, we PROM, and have a meal plan for every week. You are a godsend for busy parents!

  34. Yay! Congrats Steph, and family!

  35. Congrats to you & your family! :)

  36. Carrie6/29/2009

    What exciting news! Congratulations!

  37. Congrats! I'm due in January, too!

  38. Anonymous6/29/2009

    Holy Cow...congrats

  39. Congrats!!! We are due in October and I found your site so helpful. Putting frozen meat and ingredients in the crockpot in the morning before the sickness really hit and then being able to eat or at least know my family was eating at night when the bone-crushing tiredness kicked in was so wonderful. Afternoons were the worst for me and I couldn't handle cooking raw meat, but frozen wasn't so bad. I could avoid the house all day and by the time I had to actually smell anything it smelled like food and not dead animals. So excited to hear about your adventures!

  40. Congratulations! I too am so thankful I've discovered your wonderful blog. I have been using a lot of your recipes. Mostly the BBQ pulled pork. :D

  41. Congratulations!!!

  42. I'm slow cooking baby #4...and due in September - in FLORIDA of all places. I should learn by now to avoid looking sideways at my husband between October and March. Baby #3 will slide right into the mix in your household. Congratulations ;) check out the expecting club boards on ivillage.

    I'm sure I'll use your applesauce recipe minus the additional stuff to spruce up flavor when this Stowaway is old enough for it.

  43. Best wishes on your new addition to the family. I enjoy your blog very much . Do you have any heart healthy crock meals on hand?

  44. Congratulations! I'm due in January too, and I definitely hear ya on the sickness all.day.long! I can't even step foot in my kitchen without feeling sick so I'm super impressed you're slow-cooking :)

  45. Hi Yarntangler,

    here's a listing of the recipes that I have labeled light and healthy.

    I don't have a background in nutrition----this is just what I deemed light and healthy. You might want to plug the ingredients into an online nutrition counter.

    xox steph

  46. That has got to be the most hilariously appropos way to announce a pregnancy I've ever seen! Congrats, Steph!

  47. Anonymous6/29/2009

    Congratulations on the most important slow-cooking you can do!

  48. Anonymous6/29/2009

    I hadn't heard you were pregnant- congrats!
    At some point maybe you could do a post about easy dinners that either you can make in the crockpot and freeze for later when you're too busy with the baby or things you can put together and freeze, then just dump in the crockpot to be ready that night.

  49. Congratulations!!!

  50. Congrats! I have celiac disease and a five month old son. Thankfully, I discovered your blog right before he was born. It has been a lifesaver for me as a new mom on a special diet. Thanks for doing what you do!

  51. Congrats!! Nice way to put it, slow cooking daily. I'm due early December, and have just started to come around to looking at/thinking about food again. Swiss Chicken in the crock pot last night, and maybe Salisbury Steak tonight.

  52. Anonymous6/29/2009


  53. Courtney in FL6/29/2009

    YAY!!! Congrats! :)

  54. Congrats! What exciting news!

    Can someone point me in the direction of the pulled pork recipe that people have raved about? I missed that one somehow!

  55. I used my crock-pot constantly while pregnant with baby#6. Your blog was my go-to for dinners. Thanks so much for that!

    Congratulations on the new baby!I will look forward to seeing what new stuff you come up with for feeding this new baby.

  56. Congrats!!! Wonderful News!!!

  57. Congratulations! I'm happy for you, too!

  58. Congratulations! All the best to your belly and the rest of your family.

  59. congrats. I'm so glad you're not feeling sick anymore as I was the entire pregnancy...blech...cheetos and chocolate were my only consolation until at 6 months cheetos came out in an unpleasant way...they it was just chocolate...:) I'm surprised my child came out human and not a chocolate kid...

  60. Congratulations!

  61. Congratulations! Hope to hear you're feeling LOTS better soon.

  62. Congratualations on the baby #3! Fight through that god awful sickness :)

    Today I was thinking of making my mom's famous minestrone, but your blog is making me toy with the idea of trying to do it in the crock. The ingredients, roughly, are:olive oil, dried macaroni,veggies [carrots, celery, onions, etc], a can of tomatoes, a few cans of beans, a small bunch of fresh/chopped spinach, and obviously, some broth/water.

    Any hints on how to best convert this to a crockpot recipe?

    Any other general tips on how to convert other stovetop recipes would be helpful too :]

    Thanks a million!

  63. hehe Slow Cooking. too cute! Hope it continues to go well (and by that I mean the morning sickness goes away and your baby stays healthy!)

  64. Congratulations! Although you're not posting new things constantly anymore, I still find myself pointing people here all the time for great recipes :) Thank you!

  65. Yay! Congratulations!!!

  66. Anonymous6/29/2009

    What exciting news!

    I am anxiously awaiting the release of your books!

  67. Many congratulations and delighted for you that you are past the toughnasty sick part.

  68. CONGRATS!!!! What wonderful news :)

  69. awww Congrats! I am so happy for you. I love your site. Tell baby to be here on Jan.19 ;) which is my bday hehe.


  70. Congratulations on your new addition. I'm a newbie to your blog and will be looking for your book in our bookstores - I already use my crockpot for lots of meals (I have 5 crockpots) and will be trolling your blog for more ideas. I tried the potato soup recipe last week - it went down well, but hubby wants leek in it next time.
    Thanks for so many useful recipies.

  71. Oh wow! Congrats!

  72. Anonymous6/29/2009

    Congratulations Stephanie. Wish you all the best.

  73. Congratulations!!!!

  74. Congratulations Momma!! Glad to hear you are feeling better, enjoy your blog so much!!

  75. Congratulations on the upcoming edition to the family. :)

  76. yay for Stephanie! puttin the slow-cookin' uterus to work! =) Good luck, best wishes for health, and let other people cook for you. =)

  77. That's wonderful news, Steph! Congratulations to Clan Slow Cooking!

    Glad you're feeling better - hope the rest of the voyage is smooooooth sailing :)

  78. Congratulations! Love the way you put it.

  79. congratulations on your new blessing!!!!

  80. Awesome! May the rest of your pregnancy be a piece of cake.

    :) Looking forward to new recipes soon!

  81. Yay! A big, slow cooked congrats!

  82. Congrats That is exciting News!!

  83. YAY!!!! Congratulations! How very very exciting :)

  84. OMG!!! How amazing! That is one heck of a slow cook! FYI- I just made my 9 month old Beef Barley soup in the crock- SO SO SO easy, SO SO SO hearty and much better than anything that comes in a jar. Here's what I did- browned some beef chunks, sliced some carrots, threw in some dried split peas, regular barley and some water. I threw in a bay leaf for good measure, then cooked on high for 4 hours or so. Cooled it off, threw it in the food processor, and viola- 14 jars of hearty, homemade baby food. If the celery wasn't looking a little old, I would have thrown that in too. Good luck with your little one. :-)

  85. AWE, A HUGE Congrats to all of you!!

  86. What a blessing.. congratulations Stephanie!

    Cinde :)

    Visit my website for gluten free recipes:


  87. Mazel Tov!!!!
    May the months fly by with you feeling nothing but wonderful. :)


  88. Congratulations...I am expecting #3 in late January. Your website had been such a great inspiration for me...I haven't been feeling the best for a while now.

  89. Congrats! We just found out we're expecting #2 in February ...

  90. Congrats Steph! I am so happy for you guys! yaay! :) :)

  91. Congratulations! What wonderful news. Thank you for letting us know and all the best to your growing family!


    I'm expecting #6 in early October and I'm just now reaching the energy to cook ahead and freeze for when baby comes. My first trimester ickiness lasted longer than the first trimester this time. So glad to finally be beyond that.

    We used to have lots of friends bring meals when baby comes, but that is much more challenging with the size of our family and with being gluten-free.

    Once again, your catalogue of recipes is becoming a welcome friend to help me plan meals. Thank you so very much for the work and effort you put into this site.

    I pray the rest of your pregnancy be free of ickiness and full of delight. What a wonderful New Year Blessing to look forward to!

  93. Horray! Horray! Congratulations!

  94. Congrats to you!!! Wonderful news to hear. Hugs, fayanne

  95. congrats on the new baby, congrats on the book.....can't wait to get it...and so glad you are feeling better. love your blog!!

  96. Congrats! Hope the "blah, blah, blah, whatever you said" sickness is gone soon! ;)

  97. Anonymous6/29/2009

    OMG! I sure hope the rest of your time goes easier. My AM sickness was always PM, with all THREE!

    Thanks so much for your hard work on this site. I will buy the book. Must chip in for the new addition...

  98. how exciting! sorry you haven't been feeling great! funny post!

  99. Congrats my nephew is 5 weeks and I watch him daily so my sister can get some sleep..(should have thought twice about having her first at 35) I hope you have a great pregnancy. How old are your other two?

  100. Jen P.6/29/2009

    Hi Steph! Congratulations - that is so exciting! Good thing you learned to make baby food in the Crockpot, huh?? :) Lots of wishes for a happy, healthy, puki-ness free rest of your pregnancy!

  101. I am so happy for you, Stephanie!! And, you're adding to your "staff" for the kid-tested and approved label! LOL ;-)



    So should the title of the blog now be "double the slow-cooking, all of the time"? ;D

  103. That is great news! Congrats!

  104. Congratulation! I've made the recent conversion from "why won't that baby on the train STOP CRYING" to "OMG BABY! LOOK! CUTE BABY!" So I can;t wait to see pictures of your new little one!

    A book and a baby, wow. It's almost like you're having 2 more :)

  105. Congratulations!!!!

  106. Anonymous6/29/2009

    One word: Zofran. Miracle Drug. (Okay, that's 3 words)

  107. Congratulations!!! This will be a really good year for Blogging :)
    Take care, hugs, Connie

  108. Congratulations! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to start a family of my own. Hope you start feeling better soon!

    And FYI, your blog got me through my first year of marriage! My husband thinks I'm a miracle worker in the kitchen thanks to you!

  109. Anonymous6/30/2009

    Oooh, Congratulations! Thank you so much for the time you spend blogging and encouraging us to care for our families well. So glad you're past the icky nauseating stuff, at least most of it. Thanks for your humor, too. Very funny! You've saved my dinners many times! God bless

  110. Anonymous6/30/2009

    What wonderful news. Congratulations to you and your family.
    Enjoy your blog. Will look forward to updates as you're able.
    So happy for you!

  111. Congrats! I love your blog and you have inspired me to cook with my crockpot this summer instead of heating up the oven and stove. My utitlity bill was even alot cheaper! Thanks for all you do!
    Also, I have three myself. Let me tell you, there is just something so sweet about that thrid one. Mine melts my heart everytime I look at her! Hope you feel better soon!

  112. teehee, apparently all that extra time you save slow cooking also gives women more time for..."quality time" with their significant other *wink* Another huge plus for slow cooking! LOL

    Congrats on the new baby & on the book :)

  113. Congratulations! Glad you're feeling better, too. What happy news.

  114. Wow, that's some crockpot you have there. A baby! Congrats!!!

  115. Jen T.6/30/2009

    Congrats...are you cooking this one on low or high :o)

  116. Anonymous6/30/2009

    Congrats!! I have enjoyed following your blog for almost a year now! The slow cooker is a pg mommy's best friend when you only have about 10 mins of energy at a time! Good luck with the sickness - I am 21 wks with our 2nd & it has just settled (THANK GOD!). I agree with another poster that Zofran is a busy mom's ali!! Here's to a great, happy, healthy pregnancy! ~Karen

  117. Congrats! I cant imagine you even would want to look at food right now! Here's t a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  118. Congratulations.....alot of people love you. Your the best...still tell people all the time about your blog.

  119. Congrats! I was told motion sickness bracelets help with morning sickness.

  120. Congratulations! I just had my 4th baby 2 1/2 weeks ago! I found these ginger chews at Whole Foods - they helped TREMENDOUSLY with the nausea and acid reflux.

  121. congrats!!! :)

  122. What a blessing! Congrats! I'm excited for you and your family. May you and baby stay healthy and hope all goes well. :)

  123. Congrats, Steph! I hope the remainder of your pregnancy is a smooth and easy one.

  124. Congratulations!!!!!

  125. congratulations!!!

  126. Anonymous6/30/2009

    Wonderful news, both about the new baby and your return to "normal" life. It's been a while since I was pregnant, but I well remember how tired I was the first few months, sleeping like the dead every night and waking up un-rested. My sense of smell was affected; we had to change the bathroom soap and throw out a potpourri pillow. I lost my taste for Italian food and never really got it back. My husband brought home a pizza and I made him eat it outside. But to compensate, I developed an insatiable craving for Mexican food. We had tacos every night for a while. Those were the days!

  127. Anonymous6/30/2009

    Congratulations Stephanie and family ! What a blessing. Best of luck to you. I will keep ya in my thoughts and prayers.


  128. Elisabeth6/30/2009

    Congratulations! I too am pregnant with baby #3 and due January 9th. I look forward to all the recipes that nesting brings. :)

  129. Adding my congrats to the bunch. Congrats!!

  130. Congratulations!

    I just had my third, and my slow-cooker has been a lifesaver. The value of my crockpot increases exponetially with each child I have.

    Keep feeling well, Stephanie. Best wishes to you and your whole family.

    PS - crockpot baby food. I've totally done it. Nothing gets food mushy like a crockpot.

  131. Congratulations! that is exciting! My oldest is a January baby. They are born at a perfect cuddling time :-)

  132. Congratulations!! Hope you feel better and are able to enjoy your pregnancy soon.

  133. Congratulations! Wow! Our baby # 4 is due at the end of October, and I have to tell you thanks again for doing this blog - especially since I have come to love my crockpot even more during the past few months! In fact, I came here just now to look at your baked potato soup recipe! Craving!!! :)
    Congrats again! Glad the sickness is letting up!



  135. Anonymous6/30/2009

    What great news, congrats

  136. Anonymous6/30/2009


  137. Congratulations! I have 3 rugrats running around here already and have been enjoying your meal ideas immensly!

    Happy slow-cooking for the next, eh, 7 months or so :)


  138. I'm due with #2 in January too! Congratulations!

  139. Congratulations! I too am expecting and due in December, so I can't wait to try a few more recipes so that when the baby comes I have some great go to recipes!

  140. duh.. i'm so dense it took me a minute to clue in what you meant by slow cooking... what were you slow cooking? *LOL* a baby!!! *L*

    Congratulations to you!!

  141. Congratulations~
    We also have #3 coming in December and I was making a lot of slow cooker meals because my mornings were good, but the day went downhill from there. The slow cooker meals worked well.

    A few more weeks and you should be over the hump!

  142. Anonymous6/30/2009


  143. Congratulations! All the best to you with your pregnancy. We are still slow cooking about once a week. Just made the skinned whole chicken like Rotisserie Chicken this week. My guys deemed it the best chicken ever. Hurray! The leftovers are going into the buffalo wing lasagna tomorrow. You probably already do this, but when the weather is hot and I don't want the extra heat in the house, I put the crockpot in the garage to cook.

  144. Congrats! That's wonderful news! Hope the baby lets your stomach settle soon :)

  145. What wonderful news. Your recipes have been a true godsend for me - during my 3rd pregnancy, and now trying to manage a 3.5 year old, 2 year old and 3 month old! (note - it is crazy crazy crazy to have 3!).

    Many blessings to you & this new wee one!

  146. congratulations! so, so exciting!

  147. Anonymous7/01/2009

    Amazing. Am sure that you have heard this over 365 times, but here is another "Thank You!" Just spent two wee a.m. hours reading over your blog/recipes. I don't know if you will get a movie deal, as Julie/Julia did - but, you deserve multiple awards. Funny, creative, patient, enthusiastic, knowledgable - you are. Thank you for sharing & inspiring!!! Will be pre-ordering your book.

  148. Anonymous7/01/2009


    I'm so excited for you!


  149. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  150. someone just directed me to this other gluten free recipe website today and thought you might enjoy it...haven't seen a slow cooker recipe yet but the one's I have seen sure look yummy. http://healthyindulgences.blogspot.com/

  151. Wow, I hadn't checked your blog in a while, what great news! Congratulations! I have three.. it's a breeze. :)

  152. WooHoo ~ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  153. Anonymous7/02/2009

    Many congratulations to you!

  154. I got to hold a 5lb baby today * I swear to God, my uterus got all twitchy. Congrats on the getting your own twitch itched!

  155. I stumbled upon your site last week, and just love it! Congrats on the baby and thanks for all the great recipes.

  156. Congrats! I just started following your blog. We had the "sugar" chicken this week...yum!

  157. Stephanie, great site. I bought myself a slow cooker a few weeks ago, but so far all I've used it for is beef roasts.

    I was wondering what else I could make in the crock and then I found your site. You have inspired me to make some of your awesome recipes. In fact I'm making a grocery list for them now.

    Thank you :)

  158. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is awesome! Three is total chaos, but worth ALMOST every second of it!

  159. Congrats!! We have been working on #2 and while we haven't met with success yet, I'm making lots of meals for hubby and #1 because of you. Keep up the good work, and I'll keep you in my prayers!

  160. Thank you Stephanie for all your lovely recipies and ideas - I've left a gift for you on my blog!

  161. Well that is some good slow cooking news! Congratulations!! I really am thankful for your blog and all the work that you put into it to make other slow cookers like me to be able to make easy meals.

  162. Generic zofran....I took it for almost 12 weeks during this pregnancy...totally saved me!

    Best of luck! I'm due in 8 weeks! I just have to survive the heat now!

  163. So many accomplishments this year! Congratulations on all fronts.

  164. Congratulations!!

  165. Anonymous7/06/2009

    Wow, Stephanie ... congratulations! First you birthed a book, and now a new baby!

    I hope the coming year brings you all the happiness you can possibly stand.

    And thanks again for the Indian butter chicken recipe ... you have a place in my heart forever.


  166. Amanda7/06/2009

    Congrats to you! I'm currently 31 weeks with my first baby and your blog has been a lifesaver. It is a hot and humid summer here in NYC and I only have A/C in the bedroom so I need to spend as little time in the hot kitchen as possible.

    I've been doing whole chickens a few times a month and using the leftovers for all sort of easy stuff that even my husband can make--stir fry, quesadillas, soup, etc.

    Right now I've got some ribs going!

    Thanks so much!!

  167. Steph, congratulations!! What wonderful news... We too are expecting a little one in October.

    I feel so bad as I rarely have time to pop in here, but what a fun surprise when I did. : )

  168. Anonymous7/07/2009

    I feel your pain, I'm due with my first in February. We're thrilled and I'm sick. I love your blog!
    -Kimberly in NC
    knchock at yahoo dot com

  169. Congrats! I hear you on the all-day-sickness. Try peppermint oil on your wrists, eating small meals with protein every 3 hours, and get rest! Other than that, just remember it will end!

  170. Congrats ;) Love the way you described the morning sickness!

    Slow cooked babyfood is a whole 'nother book idea, isn't it?!

    Good luck on all fronts!

    If you feel like putting some haiku feelings down in regards to your slow cooker, tomorrow's Silly Haiku Wednesday is about our favourite gadgets. We all know what yours is ;) Hope you stop by!

  171. Woohoo! Congratulations, and best wishes for a pregnancy that is carefree from here on out!

  172. I'm thrilled for you!

    Are you still going to BlogHer? We MUST meet this time!
