A Year of CrockPotting on the Rachael Ray Show!
Day 183.
I've been keeping a secret. Back in March, I didn't take any days off of my resolution, but I cooked for people outside of my family. I cooked for The Rachael Ray Show.
A camera crew came to my house to film, and then a week later my mom and I flew to New York.
I signed a confidentiality agreement that I wouldn't talk about the details of the show until I was given an air date.
I now have an air date.
Wednesday July 9th! So, mark your calendars, set your TIVOs and take the day off work!
This is what the show's website has to say. The video link won't be live until after the segment airs.
The Details.
At the end of February, Stefanie Javorsky from the Rachael Ray show called. I had emailed the show sharing how I made crème brulee in the crockpot. It was 11:30am and I was trying to get lunch ready and my three-year-old prepared for a nap. She was quite cranky (my 3-year-old, not Stefanie--she was lovely) and since the number in the caller ID was listed as "unknown" I was pretty sure that the caller was a salesperson.
I braced myself, and heard "Hello, do you have time to talk? This is Stefanie calling from the Rachael Ray show."
All of a sudden I had all the time in the world. We had a very nice conversation, and I think I may have handed my preschooler a tub of frosting and a spoon to keep her quiet in the background. Stefanie asked a lot of questions, and we had 3-4 separate conversations before I learned that a camera crew was definitely coming to my house.
That's when I freaked out.
At My House.
Adam took the day off work, and I kept the kids home from school and their various activities.
The camera crew arrived at 9am, and
we were told to act natural. It's, um, hard to act natural when great big huge men are bringing great big huge pieces of equipment into your home and discussing how to best light the teeny tiny kitchen and whether or not they should move this furniture here or there or maybe do this or that in order to best film.
They did it, though. My kitchen has never looked so good. I think I
want to rent some of those huge lights for my next party.
The filming went well. I was nervous, but calmed down after about an hour. These were some really nice guys. They were dads, and seemed genuinely interested in learning more about the crockpot. They stayed for just under six hours. I made enchilada casserole, baked potatoes, buffalo chicken dip, and crème brulee.
After the filming, we ate the food and Adam made margaritas. It was really nice.
I began to relax about the trip to New York and was looking forward to going. The show paid for me to go, and my mom was going to use her miles to come with me.
But then we got sick. Really sick. We were all sick on Easter Sunday, and I was supposed to get on the plane on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, I didn't get out of bed and laid around watching trash TV and felt sorry for myself for being sick.
Somehow I pulled myself together and got on the plane as scheduled.
New York.
The plane ride was uneventful and a driver named Jimmy picked my mom and me up at the
airport and drove us to the hotel. Barack Obama was evidently in that hotel the same night we were! We missed him by nano-seconds, but saw the secret service entourage.
My mom and I walked around and saw a bit of Central Park and Rockefeller Center while we were waiting to be taken to the taping.
I prepared a crème brulee in the test kitchen of the studio, and sat back and waited. I did not meet Rachael before going on stage. The producers like the meeting to be fresh.
I was pretty nervous, and still felt sick. I had taken an antihistamine
and a bunch of Advil, and felt really out of it.
My mom kept ensuring me that I was
going to do fine, and I was so happy that she was there. I got my hair and make-up done backstage, which was really cool.
When it was time to go on stage, my knees went a bit weak. Rachael was standing at the counter of the kitchen set, and the lights were dim. The audience was watching the footage that was filmed at my house (I didn't get to see the film, but my mom says it looks good).
Rachael reached out to grab my hand---and whispered "you okay?" I whispered back that I thought I was going to puke. She said "Oh no, honey. No puking."
And then the lights went on and we started filming. We filmed straight through, with no cuts, and the
whole thing took about 5 minutes. They gave me a brand new crockpot that Crock-Pot sent. It's a really cool one.
And that was that!
Before I knew it, I was back in a car on the way to the airport. I had a face full of HEAVY make-up; more make-up than I have ever worn. After we checked in at the airport, I washed my face in the restroom. There weren't any paper towels, so I dried my face with a toilet-seat cover.
Totally classy.
Mom and I made it home, and all was good. Adam and the kids were still sick, and were home for the next few days to recover.
I had the most fun, ever, and can't wait to do it again.
Rachael? Stefanie? I'm free next Thursday...
I've been keeping a secret. Back in March, I didn't take any days off of my resolution, but I cooked for people outside of my family. I cooked for The Rachael Ray Show.
A camera crew came to my house to film, and then a week later my mom and I flew to New York.
I signed a confidentiality agreement that I wouldn't talk about the details of the show until I was given an air date.
I now have an air date.
Wednesday July 9th! So, mark your calendars, set your TIVOs and take the day off work!
This is what the show's website has to say. The video link won't be live until after the segment airs.
The Details.
At the end of February, Stefanie Javorsky from the Rachael Ray show called. I had emailed the show sharing how I made crème brulee in the crockpot. It was 11:30am and I was trying to get lunch ready and my three-year-old prepared for a nap. She was quite cranky (my 3-year-old, not Stefanie--she was lovely) and since the number in the caller ID was listed as "unknown" I was pretty sure that the caller was a salesperson.
I braced myself, and heard "Hello, do you have time to talk? This is Stefanie calling from the Rachael Ray show."
All of a sudden I had all the time in the world. We had a very nice conversation, and I think I may have handed my preschooler a tub of frosting and a spoon to keep her quiet in the background. Stefanie asked a lot of questions, and we had 3-4 separate conversations before I learned that a camera crew was definitely coming to my house.
That's when I freaked out.
At My House.
Adam took the day off work, and I kept the kids home from school and their various activities.
The camera crew arrived at 9am, and
They did it, though. My kitchen has never looked so good. I think I
The filming went well. I was nervous, but calmed down after about an hour. These were some really nice guys. They were dads, and seemed genuinely interested in learning more about the crockpot. They stayed for just under six hours. I made enchilada casserole, baked potatoes, buffalo chicken dip, and crème brulee.
After the filming, we ate the food and Adam made margaritas. It was really nice.
I began to relax about the trip to New York and was looking forward to going. The show paid for me to go, and my mom was going to use her miles to come with me.
But then we got sick. Really sick. We were all sick on Easter Sunday, and I was supposed to get on the plane on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, I didn't get out of bed and laid around watching trash TV and felt sorry for myself for being sick.
Somehow I pulled myself together and got on the plane as scheduled.
New York.
The plane ride was uneventful and a driver named Jimmy picked my mom and me up at the
My mom and I walked around and saw a bit of Central Park and Rockefeller Center while we were waiting to be taken to the taping.
I was pretty nervous, and still felt sick. I had taken an antihistamine
My mom kept ensuring me that I was
Rachael reached out to grab my hand---and whispered "you okay?" I whispered back that I thought I was going to puke. She said "Oh no, honey. No puking."
And then the lights went on and we started filming. We filmed straight through, with no cuts, and the
And that was that!
Before I knew it, I was back in a car on the way to the airport. I had a face full of HEAVY make-up; more make-up than I have ever worn. After we checked in at the airport, I washed my face in the restroom. There weren't any paper towels, so I dried my face with a toilet-seat cover.
Totally classy.
Mom and I made it home, and all was good. Adam and the kids were still sick, and were home for the next few days to recover.
I had the most fun, ever, and can't wait to do it again.
Rachael? Stefanie? I'm free next Thursday...
wow, thats all really exciting stuff! The only reason I got to read this great news is because I bookmarked your crockpot Quinoa pudding recipe long ago. Today I finally read the whole post...lol. so, I won't be trying the quinoa pudding, but I'm happy to read your good news! ok, I confess, I've never watched the Rachael Ray show before, but I'm sure its exciting stuff to be on it!
ReplyDeleteThat was so cool! Now I can say "I knew her when she wasn't famous"!!.....................I am going to record the show to make sure I DO NOT miss it. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome! You are a celebrity!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that I only recently discovered your blog (through a crockpotting board at Ravelry) and I love it. I made the cream cheese chicken last night and my picky kids actually loved it. Thanks!
yea for you!!! can't wait to see the show. making the turkey tomorrow night for dinner.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool. I love Rachael Ray. Especially her show on the Food Network, 30 minute meals. I check you site everyday to see what awesome dish you have made. I have tried a few and love them. Need to get the crock out again and try your mac n cheese.
ReplyDeleteWow!! What exciting news you have been holding onto Stephanie!! I cannot wait to watch to show. I love your blog so much. I've been faithfully checking your new recipes everyday for the past two months, when I learned I had to go gluten free and was desperate for help. You made preparing family dinners seem not quite so daunting. Quite a few of the recipes have made it into our regular rotation now. I'm so glad your cooking is being recognized.
ReplyDeleteThat's soooo cool! I can't wait to see the show!
ReplyDeleteWow, that is fabulous! I've been following your "year" since sometime in February! You have a lot of good recipes, and I like the fact that when they don't turn out like you expected you are still honest and tell us!
ReplyDeleteThat's so awesome! I can't wait to see the episode.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I've followed your site religiously since late spring. Just last week, I finally made two recipes -- the falafel and fahitas. Both were awesome. I will definitely try more. I'll watch you on RR and would love to buy a book from you... any plans?
ReplyDeleteWow wow wow!!! That is awesome. Can't wait to see the show.
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness!! how exciting!!
ReplyDeleteTotally awesome. I too love my crockpot and love your blog. You do a great job with the whole package of info. The recipes of yours I have tried I love. Got you on the DVR list - too cool. Congrats.
This is so great! I am so happy for you that they chose to honor you in this way. You are simply amazingly creative and clever with your crock pot and I love that someone (besides us who read your blog everyday) noticed! Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I've had fun checking in with you every morning to see what you've made. You inspire me to be more creative in the kitchen!
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteBTW, will you be at BlogHer in San Francisco? I'm going to do a post on KK about food bloggers who are attending, so if you are, send me an e-mail at kalynskitchen (at) comcast (dot) net
Be sure to send this to Madeline who writes the blog Everything Rachel Ray.
That's an amazing story! I can't wait to see it air! I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now!!! Congrats to yo!!!
ReplyDeleteWhoo Hoo! That is so cool! I'll be sure to tape that episode just to be a supporter. I love checking out your site everyday to see what you have going on. I think crockpotting is a wonderful way to cook. Let's hope that this contact with the "big" time will get you noticed by food network or Crockpot themselves - I could see them offering you work in the future to promote this cooking process. Good luck with that and thanks for all your great recipes!
ReplyDeleteOMG! That is soooo awesome. I cannot even imagine...but I will be sure to watch!
Thank you all so much for your sweet and nice and wonderful and and amazing and cheerful words. You all make my day, every day.
ReplyDeletethe internet is something else, I tell you!
Seriously, not sure how you kept it a secret! Good job!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, so fun!
And...do we get a recipe today? :)
What a great experience. Bet you never thought that would happen. I just discovered your blog not too long ago and think it's really great. I love my crockpot but sometimes don't know what to cook in it. Now I have all kinds of options thanks to you! I'll definitely be watching you on Rachael Ray.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool!!! What an amazing experience! Sorry you felt sick, but at least you stayed upright during the filming.
ReplyDeletethis is so cool. congratulations. i will mark my calendar and make sure i tune it to you in real life. congrats.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for a long time now, but haven't commented. I couldn't keep quiet now though. Congratulations! I'm thrilled for you! I've shown your blog to many of my friends and we plan on breaking out our crockpots more often now. Being a former chef, I had never really used one before. Now that the emphasis is on the word "former", I look forward to trying out your recipes!
ReplyDeleteOh my garsh, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to show this to my husband so he knows that being crafty and a little goofy really does pay off :)
Nice job. Can't wait to watch!
Wow! That's amazing. I might have to find my TV and watch it!
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo! Way to go Steph! I knew your meals were "yumm-o" cuz I've fixed several of them myself.
ReplyDeleteBut NOW they are officially "yumm-o". That is awesome news, Congratulations!
Looking forward to seeing you on TV, you star you!!!
Lynne in NC
Congratulations!!! My husband and I read your blog all the time and love to try out your recipes. We especially love the chicken bacon cheese"burgers." While I'm not a huge fan of the Rachel Ray show, I'll definitely be watching on the 23rd! Congrats again!
ReplyDeleteOMG, that is so amazing!!! I am so excited for you and just a wee bit jealous!!! :) I will be taping the episode, i will be on a mission trip that week. BTW, making your orange, chipotle ribs tomorrow...yummo!
ReplyDeleteYou dried your face with a WHAT???? Haahaaahaaa! You go girl! Love the recipes.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! What fun!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Congratulations! I have been cooking lots of your recipes, what a help mate! Thanks for the good eats! Who knows what is next for you ;)
ReplyDeleteOh wait, what I am making tonight?
ReplyDeleteThat secret must have been so hard to keep! I'm so going to catch the episode. My kids will love it!
ReplyDeleteSo cool! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteStephanie--congratulations!! I LOVE your blog and check it daily. My crocks are getting more use than ever thanks to you! Thanks for your ideas and enthusiam and for your blog!
ReplyDeletethat's so cool! congrats!
ReplyDeleteNo way!! I LOVE Rachael Ray! I will be definitely be watching...I can't wait to "meet" you, either.
ReplyDeleteI read you recipes just about everyday and was just checking the ingredients for the mac and cheese recipe( I am making it tonite), and saw your post! WOW! Awesome! Sorry that you were sick, but excited that you were on RR's show! I have marked my calendar!
ReplyDeleteThat is SO NEAT and I will watch it for sure. Can't wait to see how you look now!
ReplyDeleteThat's really awesome. Congratulations! I'll be watching too!
ReplyDeleteI almost feel famous just 'knowing' you through checking your blog daily...hahah!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! I will be watching!!!!
Totally cool!
ReplyDeleteI Stumbled this post! :)
That is so AWESOME!!!!!!! And finally we get to see what you really look like! Can't wait to see you on Rachel Ray!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness - HOW COOL IS THAT????? I came by today to get the recipe for mac and cheese and look what I found!!! You must have had a ball! I'm marking the calendar and we'll be watching!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, how exciting!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, how exciting. Congrats. I have linked to you in a blog posting. A friend of mine's family is being stationed in Hawaii and will be spending quite a number of days in a hotel. She is thinking of cooking in her crockpot so they are not eating out all the time. I think yours is a really great site.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting & fun for you! :) And what self control (though enforced) to keep that secret without even a hint for so long! I would have been nearly bursting at the seems! ;) I look forward to seeing your segment air on the show!
ReplyDeleteSHUT UP!!! how exciting!!! congratulations! now you are TOTALLY going to get a book deal. :D
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome!
ReplyDeleteHoly guacamole! You rock that crock pot girl! I hope you'll post a reminder closer to the date for us non-Tivo folks! :o)
Oh I have checked your blog because a friend posted it and WoW!!!! How awesome is that experience!!! And from browsing your blog.......absolutely deserved!!! I'll be checking out your recipes and I'll hopefully catch your show!!! Congrats!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh and I love your writing style!! You have a fantastic sense of humor!
Yea! This is exciting news! I'll definitely be watching!
ReplyDeletewow! woohooo! Congrats! I look forward to seeing it as I love the Rachael Ray show and marked it on my calendar.
ReplyDeleteI am glad I found your blog via the foodie blog roll as I love using my crockpot and use it a few times every week.
can't wait to watch that episode.
ReplyDeleteHOW COOL! You have been keeping a secret! I'm setting my tivo now...
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool! How fun and exciting. Congrats for being recognized for your great blog! I love your website and posted my first crock-pot recipe on my blog yesterday, http://capitalcitymama.wordpress.com/2008/06/30/warm-weather-cookingthe-crock-pot/
ReplyDeleteYayyyyyy! 2 of my favorite things, your blog and the RR show!
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome! Congrats and good job!
ReplyDeleteThat is totally awesome!! What a huge secret to keep! I can't think of any other crockpot blogger who deserves it more. I check your blog every day in the hopes of using my crockpot more. Keep those recipes coming!
ReplyDeleteYay, I knew I knew! Hee hee! =) So glad it all went well and you didn't blow chunks on Rachael's shoes. can't wait to see!
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you Steph!! I'm happy, but not suprised, to see so many kind comments. I love you (I'm her husband so I can say that...not some kind of stalker) and hope you know how amazing your family thinks you are!!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Congratulations!!! You so deserve that. I've been offline for a while and was so thrilled for you when I read this post. I don't usually watch RR, but I'll be sure not to miss this one. Congrats again!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI used to be a faithful blog reader of yours and then ... I got pregnant. It wasn't just your food, you know, ANY food looked disgusting, and just talking about it ... yikes, get me a bucket.
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm just now catching up on the last three months of recipes, and wow girl. I'm so excited to give them a try.
And most of all ... CONGRATULATIONS!!! Rachael Ray? That sounded like an amazing trip, but I must say I'm not surprised. All of my friends have been talking about your blog. You're famous, get used to it. :)
Congratulations!!! I'll be sure to watch. How wonderful for you.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. I made the cream cheese chicken last Friday night, and it was super tasty with egg noodles. We had the leftovers on Monday with a wild/white rice mix. Yum!
That is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI am bummed out I will miss the show. I will be on vacation in Disneyworld with my girls.
Oh my gosh, that is so wonderful! And well deserved! Your recipes have been saving my rear the last few weeks, especially since we're just getting into the gfcf diet. I made the salsa chicken the other day and it's yum-O! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteSee you totally DO ROCK! You are an inspiration to GF and non GF foodies alike! Way to handle that!
ReplyDeleteI'll be watching!
that is amazing! Congrats to you! Make sure you give us another reminder closer to the date so we don't forget. I cant wait to see it!
ReplyDeletewow, I don't even know you in person but when I read your post I was like, "No way, MY girl Stephanie is going to be on tv". I feel like because I've been reading your blog a tiny part of me is having this amazing experience as well. I don't know how you did it...I would've been too nervous!!! Way to go. Can't wait to watch on the 23rd and btw you look gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteHow cool! I am a huge fan of your website so I will definitely be tuning in to watch.
Just requested July 23rd off work so I can stay home and watch... okay, not really, but I will definitely be DVRing it! Congrats on your success. I love your blog and have been finding lots of new favorite meals.
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome! Congratulations!! I look forward to seeing the show!
ReplyDeleteOMG that is awesome! I was just thinking about you when reading RR magazine and theres were some crockpot recipes...I'm glad she found you as cool as we all do :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! That is sooo cool. I don't like RR but I like you...LOL so I will set DVR to record your show.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool! I am going to TIVO the episode so I am sure not to miss it!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat is REALLY exciting!!!! I don't know even know you personally, but jumped up when I read your news!!!
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog and reciepes for months and have never seen so many GOOD reciepes done in the crock pot. I have seen a lot of reciepes on the web before, but not many that I would try! At least until this year!!!
How cool!! Congratulations Stephanie! You must've been bursting at the seams keeping that a secret! We will be on vacation on the 23rd but I'll definetely set my Tivo!
ReplyDeleteOMG! You never know where blogging will lead you! Congratulations! And to think I've made some of your crock pot concoctions!
ReplyDeletePeace - D
so totally cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG! I watch her everyday, so I will definitely be watching. Congratulations...that's HUGE!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness ! How exciting !!
ReplyDeleteThis is just THE MOST INCREDIBLE,
AMAZING NEWS!! You are an inspiration to the rest of us!
I'm so happy for you, way to go!
Lemon Chicken Lynn
Um, yeah...still waiting for today's recipe.
ReplyDeleteMy family went without dinner tonight because nothing was posted.
Hehe, just kidding. I did throw something in the crock, just not an amazing Steph-recipe.
You doubling up tomorrow?
Dang, man!! That is AWESOME!
I've been lurking quite a while now and have tried a few recipes... very nice.
I love to put my crockpot out on the porch when I'm cooking strong smelling things. That way I don't have to smell it all day and take 12 days to air out the house!
but mostly..... congrats... I'm really happy for you!
OO LA LA - A STAR IS BORN!!!! Congratulations and I look forward to watching the show.
ReplyDeleteYOU GO GIRL!!!
How exciting! Congratulations and that is awesome.
ReplyDeleteOMG that is totally cool I will be tivo'ing for sure!
ReplyDeleteOooo! I'm so excited for you! You could have your won show I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see you on TV!
Congratulations. I can't wait to see the show.
ReplyDeleteI made your CP macaroni & cheese tonight. It made a ton of food which we will be enjoying tomorrow as well. I added ham and it was delicious.
Wow..every blogger's dream! Congratulations, I'll be watching it for sure...
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting!! I have been reading your blog now for several weeks. I have tried a couple of the recipes and they have turned out great!! Thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteWOW! That is so fantastic! I am so glad to see you get your due. You are doing amazing things on this blog and deserve so much kudos!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see you on TV!
That is so cool! I can't wait to see the show! I made the bacon cheeseburger chicken and my family LOVED it! (and I have a very picky bunch) Thanks for all the great recipes!
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for awhile now (and just cooked a whole chicken in the crock pot tonight by the way!). Anyhooooo, I am thrilled for you. Have marked my calendar and will definately catch the show...too bad you weren't feeling 100% - what a cool experience. I am still in awe as how you are pulling this daily crockpot cooking off. Great job!
ReplyDeleteSo very cool! Your blog is completely "Yumm-o" worthy! I can't wait to see the show!
ReplyDeletecongrats and ok I'm sorry but I've to tell/warn you that you're now going international ;-) Because I'm dutch and found your blog through ravelry. So here I am, in holland reading your blog and added you to my favs. Now I'll certainly have to find me a crockpot...you've convinced me that I need one. Desperatly need one :-D....
Will save me some money and order me a crock pot soon. Thank you for the inspiration and your blog :-)
Congratulations, Steph!! I think I jumped on board with you in mid-January, so I think I get to say "I knew her when..."
ReplyDeleteI am definitely setting the DVR! This is so exciting! BTW, I'll be making mac-n-cheese in my crockpot today. Thanks!!
I know you have a ton of comments but I just had to let you know that I was smiling the whole time that I read about you on the RR show. You have accomplished so much here and helps me and hundreds others get inspired by a CROCKPOT!! You are going to have SOOOOO many new readers after that show airs, oh the pressure! :-) Have you thought about what you'll do in 2009?? You'll have thousands of people wanting more!!
ReplyDeleteI just started reading your blog the other day. It's an awesome resource!
That is so awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteWhoa! That's very cool!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Stephanie. That's really exciting about Rachael Ray.
ReplyDeleteFYI, I posted a link to your Crock-Pot crayons on my blog (which you can read here: http://suddenlyfrugal.blogspot.com/search?q=crayons ) and my readers not only loved the "recipe" but loved that I helped them to discover your blog.
Can't wait to see the show later this month.
how exciting! kudos to you keeping to your resolution...i'll definitely be back to watch your progress!
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome! I've shared you Korean BBQ crockpot recipe with everyone I know, so you are already a bit of a celebrity around here ;0) ...but now it is national! Congrats...
ReplyDeletethat is amazing! I love Rachel Ray!
I can't wait to watch it!
I love Rachael Ray, I think her talk show is one of the best... I cannot wait for you to be on!!!! Sounds like a wonderful experience :-)
Now I totally need your autograph!! The baby is sleeping and so I snuck on to see what you've been cooking and found this wonderful surprise. I'm so excited for you.
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! You go girl!! That's completely awesome!!!
ReplyDeletethat is awesome!!!! Ive followed your blog practically every day for 4 months. Congrats!! You defintely deserve it! Your blog is great!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I knew something big would come out of this blog!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I knew something big would come out of this blog!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I've been reading for about a month, but haven't commented yet. I love your blog and I've recommended it to all my friends too. That's such exciting news, and I'll definitely be watching!
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying your posts and am anxiously awaiting your 365 Crockpotting recipe. I hope you come out with one!
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm little late to the party, but I had to say ... Congratulations - how exciting! I've never watched Rachael Ray but I will definitely catch this episode!
ReplyDeleteSo, I've been gone the past few days and haven't been able to read your blog...Congrats!!! I will be taping your segment on Rachel Ray. What a great accomplishment and recongnition! I'm a big fan of your site and your recipes. I've told my friends of your blog and we all love it! Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI have been checking your site for quite some time now. I don't even remember how I stumbled upon it. I have really enjoyed it and I am so glad the Rachel Ray show reaized your talents too. I love that show so I am way excited to watch! Congratulations!
ReplyDeletei'm de-lurking to say how COOL is that!!!!! I so have to watch teh show that day.... I work so miss it a lot, and forget to PVR it ... please please post us a reminder closer to the date!!! I love Rachael Ray (although, i admit, i'm the pickiest eater in the world, and i dont think i'd eat 95% of what she cooks... but i still love watching!)
ReplyDeleteI have told a million people about your blog and my religiosity with reading it. You do such a fantastic job of providing quality recipes and silly anecdotes, I love to read and experiment along with you.
Wow--to say it again after the hundred-plus other comments--how exciting! I'll link.
ReplyDeleteI've been out of commission lately, so this comment is a little late. But, YOU GO GIRL!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you and your newfound fame! You bring such delight to so many people w/your blog (and your true tales of whether the recipe worked or not) that it's awesome the entire nation will get to see you! I will definitely be tivo-ing that episode!
Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing the show!
ReplyDeletecongratulations on the rachael ray invitation. i rarely watch her show, but shall make a point of turning it on that day. keep up the good work. i love your sense of good humor and warmth...also the recipes. most of them.
ReplyDeletecongratulations on the rachael ray invitation. i rarely watch her show, but shall make a point of turning it on that day. keep up the good work. i love your sense of good humor and warmth...also the recipes. most of them.
ReplyDeleteoh that is so exciting! i am gonna tape it for sure!
ReplyDeletei have been following along since march and i just love your blog...can't wait to see your tv debut.
That's awesome! Now I'm curious if the crock pot you're hugging in your profile is THE Rachel Ray gift crock pot!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOSHHHHHH!!! I have been working two jobs and have missed all of this.. Im soooo proud of you!!! This is awesome.. Rachael Ray is one of my all time heros!!! YOU ROCK! and a very huge Congrats to you!!!
ReplyDeleteYou so deserve it!!! What youre doing is amazing.
ReplyDeleteYou are a favourite on my explorer. Thank you for sharing
Wow! Congratulations! :) We'll be away, but I'll do my best to see it! :) That creme brulee is worth every calorie.
ReplyDeleteFor those of us not based in the US is there a way to see the programme? I'd really like to see it! Jo.
ReplyDeleteSteph that is so cool ;-) I can't wait to watch it...i'll be making sure that McKenna is asleep or occupied.Congratulations..
ReplyDeleteOh Steph, way to GO :) I'm so happy for you, this is just awesome :)
great post, thank you for sharing your wonderfulness with the cyber world!
ReplyDeleteexcited to see the show and so very happy for you to experience something so cool.
you're such a sweetie!
ReplyDeleteCool!!! I love to watch RR, one of my favs!! I'll be looking for you! I just discovered your blog from a friend sending me the link and it is great, I love to use the crockpot, especially in the summer, I think I'll be checking out your blog more often- keep it up and thanks!
ReplyDeleteThat's so neat!
ReplyDeleteWOW so jealous...congrats what an honor! Can not wait to watch!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome Stephanie! Totally awesome.
ReplyDeleteI was just looking around your blog,I just opened one today,How exciting to get to meet Rachel & to almost see Borack,,,,I will be watching tomorrow,,,just think a VB celebrity LOL I love crock-potting !!!! I will be checking your blog,,,,,I guess you have macraroni & cheese recipe already ? I got mine from Paula Dean.
ReplyDeleteOMG! All this because you were feeling left out of the blogging game! So thrilled for you.
ReplyDeleteSetting my DVR now!
Wow that is awesome! I will have to tivo the show... can I admit that I have never before seen it?
ReplyDeleteWow I just happened to catch you show on Racheal Ray Today . What fun. and Now u have inspired me to try crock pot cooking. , IF you can do it then I am sure to try . I am gonna try to copy off your recipes and give it a whirl. Thanks You need you own cooking show. Look OUT poeple she will be a New one to watch out for *Food Network . LOL. Hugs Cheryl
ReplyDeleteso cool! I would love to meet Rachel! I have to admit, I laughed so much about the toilet seat cover! LOL. I guess that's airports for you. I watched you on the show today! Awesome! Just want you to know that your blog is being passed around some homeschooling Yahoo Groups... we all thank you very much for sharing all these yummy recipes with us!
(from Club RR)
You are officially famous. I saw you on the Rachel Ray show today and im signed up to your blog now. Congratulations on your success and best of luck to you. Im a fellow crock potter so I will share some recipes when I get a chance. Have you tried kabose (sp? polish sausage) I have a good recipe for that also Ive done macaroni and cheese in the crock pot too yum :)
ReplyDeleteI saw you today on the show (while I was at the gym), that's how I found out about your website. You did great! I'm looking forward to checking out and trying your recipes.
ReplyDeleteI just saw you on Rachael, and have bookmarked your site. After summer is over and I go back to work teaching, the crock pot is a life saver. I can't wait to try some of your recipes! I saw you did baked potatoes. I do them quite often, and everyone is shocked that you can make them in the crock pot.
ReplyDeleteHow fun! I saw you on the show today too. I think I'd like to try this crock pot thing for a month. Just to see if I could do it! Fun!
ReplyDeletei love my crockpot, it's hard to find receipes. thanks for bring your website into my home. you rock girl! you did well on the Rachel Ray show. i'm a fan.
ReplyDeletethanks again, i will cook one of your dishes and let you know how it was.
Hey, I am a long time CR user. I began when my hubby was in grad school at Purdue and I worked on campus and took classes at night. I would prepare a crock pot meal early in the morning and bring the entire pot to his Grad office. The whole bldg. would be smelling good when I got off work at 5:00 p.m.met hubby in his office for a meal before my 6:00 p.m. class.
ReplyDeleteI also took it with me on ski vacations. Nothing better then coming back to the hotel and having a meal ready to eat for my two boys and assorted friends. Restaurants get rather pricey. I never had a complaint by any hotel about the C.P. cooking while we were out on the slopes.
During soccer tournaments our whole team would do a C.P. party in the hotel one of the nights. We always invited the hotel staff to come up for the buffet!! It was great.
cak, I travel with my crock, too!
You did a great job! I thought you and Rachael seemed to really hit it off. I am pretty sure I would have felt like puking too, even if I wasn't all drugged up, so good job!
ReplyDeleteI just love using my crock pot. But I have trouble thinking of dinners to cook in it. A few things my dad has cooked in them that I are great. Pork loin with red potatoes, carrots and onion (if you like onion) a can of cream of mushroom soup and then either a can of coke, beer (Coors light is a good one) or sprite instead of water. then cook for about 5 hours or till it's to the right temp. He has also cooked ham with sprite.
ReplyDeleteI just watched you on Rachel Ray (you did great!) I tivo her show everyday, so then I had to check out your blog.
ReplyDeleteHow cool to be on her show~fun experience! :)
I love my crockpot but I can't imagine using it 365 days, so I'll be checking out all your recipes. thanks!
Blessings! :)
Wow! This is so exciting!! I didn't hear about it until just now so I missed you but I am sure it was wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting! Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteI saw you on Rachel Ray and thought it was a neat idea. I love using my crock pot - but only use it for simple stuff like beef stew; beef stroganoff and ribs. I can't wait to try one of your recipes! Love the blog - you did great!
ReplyDeleteI watched you on Rachael's show and had not been to your blog until now. I love my crockpots and own three different sizes. I love them so much, I have to get two new lids, as they are about to break in two. I was so glad it was an overcast day and I could watch you (we have antenna TV)!
ReplyDeleteAs much as I love my crockpot, I'm not sure I could vow to use it every day for a year. I love for DH to grill out dinner while I relax. Good for you that you are sticking to your resolution!
I found a few recipes that I'm eager to try.
I told everyone my "friend" Stephanie was going to be on Rachel Ray - when they asked me how I knew you I would say "i'm one of her followers". I've gotten so many recipes I now use....my hubby's favorite is the Korean Ribs....I like too many - especially the fritos and pretzel glop - and it IS "hide and eat it in the garage" good!
ReplyDeleteThanks - now you're a star....and How do you cook like this and stay so fit and beautiful??
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ReplyDeleteI am a fan of RR and also been reading your blog for some time now. How cool is THAT!
ReplyDeleteYou did awesome on the show! WTG!
HOLY COW!!! How did I miss this??? It's probably because it was long after July that I found your site. HOW COOL!!!!! I'll have to look back at some older posts and see what else I missed.
ReplyDeleteomg!!!! i am soooo jealous!!! i LOVE Rachael Ray!!! Ahhhh she's great!!