Turkey with Raspberry Chipotle Sauce CrockPot Recipe

Day 213.

I had an abundance of raspberries in the refrigerator left from making sorbet and smoothies in the VitaMix. Since it was buy-one, get-one-free at Safeway, I had to bring home more than I needed, which meant that if I didn't hurry up and use them they'd grow hair. And beards. And then would be deemed "living things" by my kids who all of a sudden have decided that all living things need to be saved.

even house flies.


Bobby Flay was on Food Network yesterday doing something (again) with chipotle chili peppers (smoked jalapenos) and said that chipotles (usually) need to be paired with something sweet.

And that's when the light bulb hit. Or turned on. Or something.

The Ingredients.

--1-2 pounds turkey breast cutlets, or a piece of turkey breast (I used 1 lb turkey breast cutlets, but this makes a lot of sauce and can handle much more meat than I used)

--2 cups fresh raspberries
--juice from 1 lemon (yes, that green shrivelly thing is a lemon)
--2 T water
--1 t chipotle chili powder
--1/2 t kosher salt
--1/2 to 1 T sugar, to taste (this isn't pictured because I didn't put it in. It was a mistake. You should add it.)
--1 T olive oil

The Directions.

Put the tablespoon of olive oil in the bottom of your crockpot stoneware, and push it around so it coats the bottom nicely. Add your turkey. My turkey was fresh and thawed, but frozen should work okay, too.

In a blender, combine the raspberries, water, salt, chipotle chili powder, lemon juice, and sugar.

Pour over the top of the turkey.

Cover and cook on low for 6-10 hours---the range is huge because if you use a frozen turkey breast, it will obviously take longer than 1 pound of thawed cutlets. I cooked our cutlets on low for 6 hours. Turkey can get tough when it's cooked on high, so I prefer to cook on low.

The Verdict.

We ate this. It was edible. The kids dipped their turkey (with most of the sauce wiped off) into ketchup.

Adam and I ate it and couldn't decide what we thought. I think the consensus was that it was okay, but kind of weird.

The raspberries lose a lot of their color when cooked this long, and the seeds sometimes snuck up on me and surprised me. I probably should have strained the sauce in a mesh thingy before cooking it.

I think adding sugar will really help, but I don't think we'll make this again to test that theory out for reals.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at July 31, 2008

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What they say about this article

  1. This sounds good but I wanted to let you in on what I use that sounds similar. It's Fischer and Wieser Roasted Raspberry Chipotle Sauce http://bettertaste.stores.yahoo.net/rorachsa.html and it's wonderful. I have poured it over chicken in the crockpot, baked it over chicken in the oven & even added it to cream cheese for a great dip. You do get the seeds in it, but it tastes great. I buy it at our local Kroger.

    I just love your website. I have used it often & will continue to be a loyal fan.

  2. Oh, I so wanted this to taste good. I was excited when I saw the title, I just love that chipotle chile powder. I've made that orange chipotle sauce of yours for a bunch of different things. It's great with peach and apricot too.

  3. raspberries are kind of tough to decifer when you are a home cook, although I was hoping you had figured out that puzzle lol. Great idea though! I'm guessing next time you'll just turn the raspberry into a puree and freeze it for another use(maybe baking?).

  4. My first thought - use cranberries instead... (I buy a lot of fresh bags during their season & freeze them for summer cooking.)

  5. I wash and freeze all fresh berries and then use for smoothies later on

  6. I can't remember if I've ever actually commented on your blog. Can I just say that I LOVE your blog and you inspire me - Thanks for making me use my crockpot more:) I've been reading your recipes for several months now.

  7. Anonymous7/31/2008

    Hi Stephanie,
    I just found your blog a few days ago. I just wrote a whole post about you on my blog Feminine Pursuits Thanks so much for the great recipes. You've gotten me out of a rut.


  8. We were in Costco last week and they had raspberry chipolte sauce that they were demo-ing mixed with cream cheese and served on crackers, so Husband bought some. This morning, I took a hunk of pork (3/4 of a kilo) out of the freezer salted it and poured some of the sauce over it. I cooked it on low for about 5 hours, it was really good though the sauce got thin, I thought it would get thicker. Then I saw that exactly a year ago you made this turkey with a similar sauce! I know you can't eat pork, but I thought you'd like to know it worked out.

  9. Raspberry jam works really well with Chipotle Peppers in Adobo sauce, too :) The jam would provide the extra sweetness.
