CrockPot Chipotle Chicken with Sweet Potatoes

Day 153.

This was a fun dish to prepare because I had no idea what I was doing. I completely made it up. And not only did it cook nicely in the crock, it tasted good.

always an added bonus.

The Ingredients.

--enough chicken pieces to feed 4

--10 oz package of mushrooms

--1/2 chopped onion

--3 cloves minced garlic

--1 small sweet potatoes (peeled and chopped in chunks)

--2 green onions, chopped

--1 diced red bell pepper

--1/2 cup chicken broth

--1 t chipotle pepper

--1 t paprika

--1/4 t black pepper

--1 cup sour cream (to add later)

The Directions.

Add the chicken to the crockpot. I used frozen breast tenders. Prepare the vegetables and add on top of the chicken. Put in the broth, and add the spices. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours, or until the chicken is done and is beginning to shred.

Before serving, stir in the sour cream. If needed, heat on high for 30 minutes to bring back to desired serving temperature.

Serve over pasta or brown rice.

The Verdict.

This is a wonderful dish. The heat from the chipotle is nicely mellowed by the sour cream and the sweetness from the sweet potatoes. I would serve this to company---very yummy.

My kids ate this, but I did separate the chicken and the mushrooms for them, and gave them the rice in a separate bowl.

Blogger is giving me problems with extra spaces. It's quite annoying.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at June 01, 2008

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What they say about this article

  1. This sounds delicious!! Looks great too in the pictures :-)

  2. Anonymous6/01/2008

    What kind of chipotle pepper did you use? The canned in adobo sauce or a fresh pepper? This looks delicious!

  3. Thanks, CS!
    Debbi, I used McCormick dried chipotle pepper. The canned in adobo is very potent, and happens to have wheat starch in it, that our family can't have. I am not sure how to transfer the teaspoon of dried over to the canned stuff..


  4. Anonymous6/02/2008

    I stumbled across your blog and really love it! I've been checking it for a couple of months now, but figured I would post just to let you know you have people that love your ideas, but don't comment regularly. Thanks for so many great and tasty ideas!
    -Emily in Pennsylvania

  5. Anonymous6/02/2008

    Thanks. Im Inspired again.

  6. Hi Stephanie,
    I made this tonight and it was good, but we didn't care for the consistency. When it was done there was broth in the pot, and it didn't mix well with the sour cream. Kind of turned into broth with white chunks in it. When I tried to mix it more I was smushing the sweet potatoes.
    Should I have drained it or left the lid off of it for some time?

  7. Anonymous8/18/2009

    I tried this two nights ago. Very yummy! I love your blog!

  8. This recipe was the first one I tried since I love chipotle chili pepper. I thought the addition of mushrooms was strange. I am sorry to say I was right. My husband and I did not like it. I

  9. Hi - I just learned about your website and book and tried this as our inaugural recipe. The dinner is YUMMY! It came out well, although I agree with the other reader and will omit mushrooms next time. It was an odd-vegetable out! Also, I used skinless chicken thighs. They tasted delicious, but they kind of fell apart, so the dinner was a bit more stew-like. Thanks for your great ideas!

  10. how come you have "flop" next to this one in the chicken list?

    I clicked on it to be entertained by your flop, but instead I am going to make this right now!!

  11. I made this recipe on Saturday for neighborhood party. I had it already in the pot when I looked at the website and saw that it was labeled "Flop" on the chicken recipes list! I used the recipe as printed in the book (using thighs) and couldn't imagine that a flop would have made it into the book, so I went ahead with it and it was great! At first I pulled out the mushrooms per comments above, but after I tasted it I decided they'd be fine and put them back in. When I added the sour cream, I ladled out some of the liquid and mixed it with the (reduced fat) sour cream before adding it all to the pot, and didn't have any problem with it blending. Great recipe!

  12. I made this recently and it was yummy! Not sure hwy it is labelled a "flop" on the index. I didn't have enough mushrooms, so I added an extra sweet potato. Next time I will likely skip the mushroomas altogether. Also, i subbed yogurt for the sour cream.
