CrockPot Bacon and Cheese Dip Recipe

Day 133.

I got a new toy! My mother-in-law surprised me with a brand new teeny tiny Little Dipper Crock Pot for Mother's Day. This little guy is small. The stoneware is attached to the heating element and the capacity is only 1 1/2 cups.

He is so very cute. Here he is next to my coffee cup for a size comparison (yes, the girls and I have decided that the Little Dipper is a boy. The other's are girls, yet this is a boy. We can't explain our reasoning).

We had some leftover bacon from breakfast (beef, not pork) and made a very lovely bacon and cheese dip in him. At 9:15am. Because nothing says Happy Mother's Day better than bacon and cheese dip.


The Ingredients:

These are the proportions for this crock---if you are going to use a larger one, adjust accordingly.

--1/3 cup milk
--5 pieces of cooked bacon
--2 slices of American Cheese
--2 slices of cheddar
--1 t worcestershire sauce

The Directions.

Add the milk to the crock, and crumble the cheese and bacon on top.

Cover and cook for 1 hour.

This new crock doesn't have a heating control--you just plug it in and it's on. I would do 1 hr on high and 2 hours on low, probably.

The Verdict.

I really liked the flavor of this dip. We had it with tortilla chips, but I imagine celery, carrots, or bread cubes would work nicely. It had a smokey flavor and wasn't overly greasy.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at May 12, 2008

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  1. Anonymous5/12/2008

    stephanie, this looks so yummy! what a fun new toy for your family---I can't imagine what your kids are going to think of this whole thing when it's done and over. what crazy memories.

    btw, I LOVE it that you ate bacon dip at 9am.
    LOVE it.

  2. That little crockpot is so cute! Now I want one! hehe.

  3. Anonymous5/12/2008

    Such a coincidence - I just used my "Little Dipper" for the first time yesterday, too! I made a buffalo ranch dip. Yum.

    I discovered your blog about a week ago and am so in love with it! I am always looking for slightly more "gourmet" ways to use my crock pot (ie, not just "cheap meat + can of creamed whatever + high sodium soup mix" recipes). We had the beef in pomegranate sauce for dinner last night and it was fabulous!

  4. Oooo, I bet this would be heavenly on top of baked potatoes or chili. Mmmmm. And I would love a little dipper crock pot just for dips!

  5. Oh, I am so jealous of your Little Dipper. Can you buy them individually, everyone I know who has one got it as a freebie with the big pot?

  6. Hi Courtney,

    my mother in law said she bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond.

    it is so very cute!

  7. Anonymous5/29/2008

    hi! i came accross your blog because i just bought a little dipper and am looking for recipes. I see you have one here for a cheese dip, do you have any other recipes for the little dipper? thanks!

  8. Hi Erin,

    I haven't played around with the Little Dipper very much (but I will!), but you can look in my appetizers section for some good dips that would transfer nicely--just eyeball the ingredients to fit the smaller container.
    I'm thinking the brie, cranberries, and walnuts would work well, the sundried tomato, the bean dip, and the artichoke dip.


  9. mmmm.... I tried this today.

    I had American & provolone slices in the fridge, so I tossed those in. Didn't have any bacon, but I did have Bacon Bits and they worked!

    It was still a bit too liquidy, though (maybe this 'bacon' didn't soak up enough liquid?), so I added 2 slices of mozzarella.

    Spread it over english muffins. Delicious! Even the kids ate it!

  10. Anonymous7/14/2008

    This dip rocks! I actually doubled it but only used 2 pieces of bacon (that was all I had in the house) but it was still great. Hubby loved it and I think adding a bit of horseradish would be great also. Kind of like a bacon/horseradish dip thingy. Very good but very rich. Also would be good if you omitted the bacon and added some diced/chopped jalapeƱos and served with tortilla chips. YUM! Will def. try it again!

  11. I know that I'm late coming to the party, but I just bought a 5qt crockpot and the Little Dipper came with it. I love the idea of this recipe and usually have most of those items at home already. Can't wait to try it.

  12. Hi! Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed this recipe. :) Didn't have any cheese slices so I just measured out the equivalent weight of shredded cheddar cheese. Took about 1 hr 45 min for it all to come together, and when it did, it was creamy and delicious. :)

    Also, I used a Hamilton Beach Party Dipper, which I think is pretty much the same thing as your CrockPot! The crock on the Party Dipper is removable, which is super appealing to me! Thank you!
